
Feb 28, 1997

LDP secures Lower House budget approval

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party succeeded late Feb. 27 in ensuring that the 77.4 trillion yen budget package for fiscal 1997 will clear the Lower House next week with no amendments.
Feb 28, 1997

Cultist says Asahara ordered killing of Sakamoto

A former Aum Shinrikyo follower who has admitted being involved in the killing of an anti-Aum lawyer said Feb. 28 he believed at the time that cult founder Shoko Asahara had ordered the man to be killed.
Feb 28, 1997

Shinagawa plot sold for 184 billion yen

Japanese National Railways Settlement Corp. announced Feb. 28 that its 5.3-hectare plot of land located on the east side of JR Shinagawa Station would be sold to 10 firms for 183.8 billion yen.
Feb 28, 1997

Four Okinawan landlords sign U.S. base lease contracts

Four Okinawan landlords, reversing their earlier opposition, agreed Feb. 28 to sign lease contracts with Tokyo to allow the U.S. military to continue to use their land after the current contracts expire in May, the Defense Facilities Administration Agency announced.
Feb 28, 1997

Chinese firms move closer to TSE listing

The road toward listing Chinese companies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange will be smoother when the executives of the China Securities Regulatory Commission sign a memorandum of understanding with Japan's Finance Ministry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange on March 18, TSE officials said Feb. 28.
Feb 28, 1997

Execs want more power for prime minister

The Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai) called Feb. 28 for a revision in the Cabinet Law to give more power to the prime minister, in the hope that the prime minister will take a stronger initiative in conducting administrative reform.
Feb 27, 1997

Hashimoto regrets Israel's neighborhood plan in Jerusalem

Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto expressed concern Feb. 27 over Israel's decision to build a Jewish neighborhood in disputed east Jerusalem, Foreign Ministry officials said.
Feb 27, 1997

Budget ax may fall on defense layout

The government will review its plan to spend 25.1 trillion yen on defense-related programs between fiscal 1996 and 2000 in an effort to rebuild the nation's debt-stricken fiscal health, the government's top spokesman said Feb. 27.
Feb 27, 1997

Pair denied return of plots trickily taken in Tanaka era

The Supreme Court upheld on Feb. 27 a high court ruling that denied two men the right to recover plots of land they sold to a company affiliated with the late Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka.
Feb 27, 1997

January industrial output rose by record 5.3%

Japan's industrial output in January rose by a record 5.3 percent from the previous month, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said in a preliminary report released Feb. 27.
Feb 27, 1997

FTC hopes to keep law revision tight

The nation's antimonopoly watchdog said Feb. 27 it will minimize room for administrative discretion when it revises the Antimonopoly Law to legalize the formation of holding companies.
Feb 27, 1997

Asahara continues antics in court

Aum Shinrikyo founder Shoko Asahara mumbled throughout his 27th hearing Feb. 27 as police testified about their investigation into the 1989 murder of a Yokohama lawyer and his family.
Feb 27, 1997

U.S. student visas become increasingly elusive

Yumiko Hara, a 29-year-old insurance company employee, decided recently that she needed to study English to advance her career.
Feb 27, 1997

Tokyo loses expenses disclosure appeal

The Tokyo High Court dismissed Feb. 27 an appeal by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government over an earlier ruling that the government disclose information on the government's wining and dining expenses in 1994.
Feb 26, 1997

Video game makers fight a battle over hardware

There is a lesson to be learned from how VHS overthrew Sony Corp.'s Beta system and Microsoft Corp.'s Windows has nearly finished off Apple Computer Inc.'s Macintosh. Now it is being taught in the home video-game market. The lesson: To survive, forming alliances is essential.
Feb 26, 1997

Chain stores call for more freedom

As a government review of the Large-Scale Retail Store Law looms, an association of chain stores called Feb. 26 for greater freedom in choosing closing times, business days and opening new stores.
Feb 26, 1997

Osaka clears way to hire non-Japanese

OSAKA -- An interim report released by the Osaka Prefectural Government on Feb. 26 said that 53.5 percent of its workers do not exercise public authority.
Feb 26, 1997

Agency to handle bankruptcy cases

The new supervisory finance agency to emerge from the reorganization of the Finance Ministry will be in charge of taking the initial steps for handling failures of financial institutions, according to a paper released by the Prime Minister's Office.
Feb 26, 1997

Exports of vehicles climb 34% on year

Exports of passenger cars, trucks and buses rose 33.9 percent in January from the same month last year, backed by increased competitiveness in overseas markets caused by the yen's fall against the dollar, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association reported Feb. 26.
Feb 26, 1997

Huge seismic reading in Shizuoka said to be error

An earthquake meter at Fujieda, Shizuoka Prefecture, recently reported a strain in the Earth's crust greater than any ever before observed in the prefecture, the Meteorological Agency said Feb. 26 before quickly retracting the announcement.
Feb 26, 1997

32 billion yen in quake donations sits in banks

KOBE -- Officials of a committee to distribute public donations to survivors of the Great Hanshin Earthquake have admitted that more than 32 billion yen has not been used and is sitting in banks.
Feb 26, 1997

Osaka hails renovation of Shochiku-za theater

OSAKA -- The city of Osaka inaugurated the Osaka Shochiku-za theater in Chuo Ward's Minami entertainment district on Feb. 26 with a ceremony to mark the reopening of the newly renovated structure.
Feb 26, 1997

Tokyo's population posts first rise in five years

The number of people living in Tokyo went up in 1996 for the first rise in five years, due primarily to the recent fall in land prices and a surge in the number of foreign residents, the metropolitan government said Feb. 26.
Feb 26, 1997

Nissan to hire 900 grads in Spring 1998

Nissan Motor Co. announced on Feb. 26 that recruitment of non-engineering college and high school graduates will resume for the first time since 1995. The major automaker plans to hire a total of 900 people in the spring of 1998, a major increase from the 146 recruits the firm expects to hire in April...
Feb 25, 1997

Abortion rules may expand

An organization of obstetricians and gynecologists has begun a move to make abortions available in cases in which the fetus has a fatal disease or defect.
Feb 25, 1997

Cultist says Inoue aimed at Aoshima

Former Aum Shinrikyo intelligence chief Yoshihiro Inoue specifically named Tokyo Gov. Yukio Aoshima as the target of a parcel bomb that seriously wounded the governor's aide, former cultist Toru Toyoda testified Feb. 25 during Inoue's trial at the Tokyo District Court.
Feb 25, 1997

Forum to seek public backing for nuclear project

Business leaders and academics supporting construction of a next-generation thermal fusion reactor in Japan set up a conference Feb. 25 to promote broader public consensus on the issue.
Feb 25, 1997

EU official expected to seek concessions on pork

The top agricultural official of the European Union will visit Japan early next month amid rising tensions over Tokyo's "safeguard" emergency restrictions on pork imports, government officials said Feb. 25.
Feb 25, 1997

Okinawans to get U.S. education

The government will establish a program to send high school students from Okinawa to study in the United States, Education Minister Takashi Kosugi said Feb. 25.
Feb 25, 1997

'Asian G-7' to be discussed by regional finance chiefs

High-ranking financial officials from six Asia-Pacific states and regions will meet in Tokyo next week for discussions on financial and foreign currency matters as a step toward creating an Asian version of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, Finance Minister Hiroshi Mitsuzuka said Feb. 25.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals