
May 13, 1997

Pyongyang's ADB bid to get due consideration, bank chief says

FUKUOKA -- North Korea's bid to gain membership in the Asian Development Bank will not be affected by other ongoing diplomatic negotiations concerning the country, ADB President Mitsuo Sato said May 13.
May 12, 1997

Groups ready supplies for survivors of quake in Iran

Three organizations announced plans May 12 to gather money and supplies for survivors of the earthquake that struck northeastern Iran on May 10.
May 12, 1997

Business Show '97 opens today at Big Sight

Business Show '97 Tokyo will open May 13 at Tokyo Big Sight in Ariake, featuring many exhibitions on intranet and Internet networking, according to the organizing groups.
May 12, 1997

Earthquake in Tohoku interrupts trains

A strong earthquake measuring 4 on the Japanese seismic scale to 7 jolted a wide area of northeastern Japan on early May 12, interrupting railway and expressway services. There were no immediate reports of injuries.
May 12, 1997

50 million yen in relief aid headed to Iran

The government will provide Iran with relief aid worth 50 million yen to help the Middle East country cope with the major earthquake that killed at least 2,400 people, the government's top spokesman said May 12.
May 12, 1997

Seoul pushes North Korea's bid to join ADB

FUKUOKA -- South Korea on May 12 called on other members of the Asian Development Bank to join it in supporting North Korea's bid to become a member.
May 12, 1997

Disaster info network takes root in wake of Hanshin quake

OSAKA -- Lifeline suppliers and television and radio broadcasters based in the Kansai region on May 12 announced the creation of a network to enable smooth collection of information at times of disasters.
May 12, 1997

SDF may be used for war on terrorism

Relaxing legal restraints on the Self-Defense Forces may be necessary to enable the government to better combat terrorism overseas, Chief Cabinet Secretary Seiroku Kajiyama said May 12.
May 12, 1997

Annan hints Japan has good shot at UNSC seat

There is a strong possibility that Japan will become a permanent member on the U.N. Security Council as part of the body's future reform, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan hinted May 12.
May 12, 1997

Callback services draw telecom giants' ire

Callback services, though introduced in Japan almost five years ago, continue to thrive under a certain veil of mystery.
May 12, 1997

Cultist Niimi breaks silence, praises Asahara

Breaking more than six months of silence, senior Aum Shinrikyo leader Tomomitsu Niimi expressed his continuous gratitude May 12 to cult founder Shoko Asahara for leading him along "the great path."
May 9, 1997

Osaka holds municipal job seminar for non-Japanese

OSAKA -- A preparatory course for non-Japanese residents hoping to take the city's employment exams started here May 9 after the Osaka Municipal Government recently lifted the nationality clause in its employment rules.
May 9, 1997

Tepco promises rate cuts next year

Tokyo Electric Power Co. will reduce electricity rates early next year as a result of the utility's progress in streamlining management, Tepco President Hiroshi Araki told a news conference May 9.
May 9, 1997

Forced wartime laborer demands action, apology

A 75-year-old Korean resident applied to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations May 9 to take action over wartime forced labor, seeking an apology and compensation from the Japanese government and a mining company.
May 9, 1997

Fiscal reform is paramount, JR West chief says

OSAKA -- Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto's government must concentrate on implementing fiscal reform above all other proposed streamlining initiatives, the chairman of West Japan Railway Co. said in a recent interview.
May 9, 1997

Nursing care bill expected to pass Lower House

A bill to create a nursing care insurance system for ailing elderly people is expected to pass the Lower House next week, a ruling party official said May 9.
May 9, 1997

Mitsuzuka 'not satisfied' with yen's level

Finance Minister Hiroshi Mitsuzuka implied May 9 that he would like to see a further strengthening of the yen against the dollar, saying he was "not yet satisfied" with current foreign exchange levels.
May 8, 1997

Religious group Ho-no-Hana failed to report income

A controversial religious group in Shizuoka Prefecture has failed to report some 4.7 billion yen in income, tax officials said May 8.
May 8, 1997

Ogawa may fold without bailout

Ogawa Securities Co., an affiliate of Yamaichi Securities Co., one of the nation's Big Four brokerages, will likely shut down if Yamaichi does not rescue the ailing firm.
May 8, 1997

Making sense of the tax mystery for foreigners

Japan's tax system appears to be one of the most difficult concepts for foreigners to understand. It would come as no surprise if a foreigner working in the country -- in particular someone employed without a proper visa -- knew little or nothing about income tax returns.
May 8, 1997

Health insurance reform passed by Lower House

A bill that would more than double medical costs for the public starting Sept. 1 cleared the Lower House on May 8 with the support of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its two non-Cabinet allies.
May 8, 1997

Ex-Komeito lawmakers form faction in Shinshinto

Shinshinto lawmakers who once belonged to the now-defunct Komeito set up a faction May 8 within the largest opposition party to maintain unity at a time when speculation is rife over whether Shinshinto will form an alliance with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
May 8, 1997

Protesters pack gallery for waste-site hearing

Nearly 1,000 landowners and environmental activists crammed into the the gallery May 8 for the first deliberations by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's land expropriation committee on the controversial construction of a waste dump in Hinode, western Tokyo.
May 8, 1997

Banks must gear up for the Asian economic era

Asia, with its huge thirst for capital and infrastructure investment, will be an area of increasing importance for Japanese financial institutions in the years ahead, according to the chairman of Fuji Bank.
May 8, 1997

Submit your own reform plan, Muto says

Management and Coordination Agency chief Kabun Muto dealt with spotted resistance to change May 8 by instructing each state ministry and agency to submit individual proposals for administrative reform, according to top government spokesman Seiroku Kajiyama.
May 7, 1997

Attending the Nagano Games will be no easy feat

As opening day of the 18th Winter Olympics in Nagano Prefecture draws closer, many sports enthusiasts are beginning to wonder how they will be able to experience the Games.
May 7, 1997

Japan Red Cross reveals details of quake funds

OSAKA -- The American Red Cross was unaware that some of the 800 million yen it sent to help survivors of the Great Hanshin Earthquake was set aside for other uses until the Japan Red Cross was specifically asked to translate its reports into English.
May 7, 1997

Aboriginal leaders hit Asian Development Bank projects

Three leaders of Asian indigenous peoples said at a news conference May 7 that their human rights and environment are being violated because of development projects partially funded by Japan.
May 7, 1997

Japan restates reluctance to give food to North Korea

Tokyo reiterated its reluctance to extend food aid to North Korea at a senior officials' meeting May 7 among Japan, South Korea and the United States, Foreign Ministry officials said.
May 7, 1997

Pentium II processor debuts in Japan

Personal computers featuring the new Pentium II processor went on sale May 7 in Japan, immediately after Intel Corp. formally announced the release of its fastest microprocessor to date.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?