
Nov 25, 1998

More women accept idea of divorce despite parenthood

Women's attitudes toward divorce and family may be changing, according to a recent survey by a marriage information service council that found that 28 percent of single women in their 20s and early 30s feel married couples should not separate if they have children.
Nov 25, 1998

Prejudice evident in house hunting, foreigners' panel says

Although many apartments remain vacant during the prolonged recession, foreign residents in Tokyo are still finding it extremely difficult to rent accommodations, participants of a foreign residents' advisory panel to the Tokyo governor said Wednesday.
Nov 25, 1998

Chinese president arrives on historic state visit

Chinese President Jiang Zemin arrived in Tokyo on Wednesday evening for a six-day visit, becoming the first Chinese head of state to set foot in Japan.
Nov 25, 1998

Jiang to hear Keidanren emissions-trading scheme

The Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) will take advantage of Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit this week to propose a large-scale forestation project for China that will help Japan attain a target specified in an international global warming pact.
Nov 25, 1998

Economy given priority over coalition

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party and the Liberal Party have decided to hammer out common economic policy goals to pave the way for forming a coalition government.
Nov 25, 1998

HIV center set for 36-hour counseling campaign

The Japan HIV Center will hold its annual 36-hour HIV/AIDS Hotline campaign from 10 a.m. Saturday until 10 p.m. Sunday to commemorate International AIDS Day, which falls on December 1.
Nov 24, 1998

Norota says Defense Agency must be reformed

The Defense Agency must break with precedent and radically reform itself, new agency chief Hosei Norota urged agency officials Tuesday in his first address after taking over the post.
Nov 24, 1998

Japan, China fail to agree on war apology semantics

Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura and his Chinese counterpart, Tang Jiaxuan, failed to reach an agreement over the wording of a Japanese apology for its wartime aggression in last-minute negotiations Tuesday evening.
Nov 24, 1998

WorldCom digs into Japanese market

Staff writer
Nov 24, 1998

Obuchi, Inamine agree to reopen Okinawa dialogue

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi and Okinawa Gov.-elect Keiichi Inamine agreed Tuesday to work closely on issues weighing on the island prefecture, including the regional economy and reorganization of U.S. military bases.
Nov 24, 1998

Komura, Albright discuss Palestinian aid package

Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright agreed Tuesday on the importance of providing assistance to Palestinians to strengthen the peace process in the Middle East, Foreign Ministry officials said.
Nov 24, 1998

15 major banks to seek funds

Of the nation's 18 major banks, 15 will apply for public funds injections within the fiscal year under the provisions of the new bank recapitalization law, the banks announced Tuesday with their midterm earnings results.
Nov 24, 1998

Sony cofounder's heirs left 9.96 billion yen inheritance

Masaru Ibuka, who turned a local factory into internationally renowned Sony Corp., left an inheritance worth roughly 9.96 billion yen when he died in December, taxation authorities said Tuesday.
Nov 24, 1998

Jiang visit may be turning point for Sino-Japanese ties

Staff writer
Nov 24, 1998

Japan claims no info on next North Korean rocket launch

Japanese intelligence sources have no information on reported preparations by North Korea for another launch of its Taepodong-1 ballistic missile, Defense Agency Director General Hosei Norota said Tuesday.
Nov 24, 1998

State maintains SDF position in rebuttal to Ozawa

The government still maintains its interpretation of the Constitution barring Japan from engaging in collective defense, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka said Tuesday, rebutting an earlier remark by Liberal Party leader Ichiro Ozawa.
Nov 23, 1998

Death row executions spark renewed protest

NAGOYA -- A citizens' group against capital punishment held a protest Sunday night at the Nagoya Detention House -- the place where two death row inmates were hanged Thursday.
Nov 23, 1998

Sanyo Securities decides to throw in the towel

The collapsed Sanyo Securities Co. has decided to formally file for bankruptcy, after a year of failed attempts to revive itself under a court-mediated rehabilitation procedure, industry sources said Monday.
Nov 23, 1998

Frozen pizza entrepreneur opens doors for female execs

22nd in a series of occasional articles about venture businesses
Nov 23, 1998

Dark cloud remains over Kabutocho

The bright, eight-story building was supposed to be something to savor for people working in Tokyo's Kabutocho securities center. But it has ended up symbolizing the continuing plight of the brokerage industry.
Nov 23, 1998

Kawasaki foreigners' panel to hold forum

KAWASAKI -- The foreign residents panel of Kawasaki will hold an open forum Sunday for foreign and Japanese residents.
Nov 23, 1998

Mita Industrial chief to be served bribery warrant

OSAKA -- The former president of failed photocopier maker Mita Industrial Co. will soon be served an arrest warrant on suspicion of bribing a certified public accountant and asking him to look over the firm's suspected falsification of accounts, investigative sources said Monday.
Nov 20, 1998

Reasonably priced homes move in on capital

A reasonably priced 100 sq. meter home is now within closer proximity to the capital, according to a metropolitan government white paper on housing released Friday.
Nov 20, 1998

Miyazawa rules out consumption tax cut

The 5 percent consumption tax will not be lowered at least for the time being, Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa reiterated Friday.
Nov 20, 1998

Norota takes command of Defense Agency

Lower House member Hosei Norota, 69, was appointed as the Defense Agency's new director general by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi on Friday as a mass personnel reshuffle continued in the wake of scandals involving procurement overcharging and subsequent coverups.
Nov 20, 1998

ANA taken to task for maintenance violations

The Transport Ministry took the rare move of imposing administrative measures against All Nippon Airways Co. over the carrier's violation of its own maintenance regulations, ministry officials announced Friday.
Nov 20, 1998

Nakajima denies 20 million yen related to vote-buying

Lower House lawmaker Yojiro Nakajima, served a fresh arrest warrant Thursday for alleged vote-buying, has admitted providing about 20 million yen to his supporters during the 1996 election campaign but denies he meant to ask them to buy votes for him, investigation sources said Friday.
Nov 20, 1998

The Asahara Trial: Defense grills coroner at sarin attack

The defense counsel of Aum Shinrikyo founder Shoko Asahara on Friday cross-examined a doctor who led the team that determined the cause of death of four of the 12 victims of the 1995 Tokyo subway nerve gas attack.
Nov 20, 1998

Eight city banks apply for public funds

One by one, all of the nation's city banks except for the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi announced by Friday that they will ask for public money under the provisions of the newly adopted bank recapitalization law.
Nov 20, 1998

Obuchi-Ozawa pact gets lukewarm reception

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi and Liberal Party leader Ichiro Ozawa's agreement Thursday to form a coalition government by January drew mixed responses Friday from members of Obuchi's Liberal Democratic Party.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals