
Mar 24, 1999

Local Elections: Parties back off Osaka governor race

Staff writer
Mar 24, 1999

Pyongyang asked to hand over ships

Tokyo asked Pyongyang Wednesday to capture and hand over two unidentified ships that fled Japanese destroyers in the Sea of Japan earlier in the day if it is confirmed that they entered North Korean territorial waters, according to government officials.
Mar 24, 1999

One bullheaded Buddhist

LOYALTY DEMANDS DISSENT: Autobiography of an Engaged Buddhist, by Sulak Sivaraksa. Parallax Press, 1998, 450 baht. Sulak Sivaraksa, upon reaching the age of 65, decided to look backward and ponder decades of constant activity in Thai society. The book opens with a foreword by the Dalai Lama, who states...
Mar 24, 1999

Japan to help Russia dismantle nuclear subs

Staff writer
Mar 24, 1999

A downer day

A friend of mine, a medical doctor who has spent many years in this country, was here during Japan's recent press spectacular, the first official transplant operation. I asked what he thought of the frenzy surrounding this lifesaving achievement. I think his comments should have a far wider circulation...
Mar 24, 1999

Trade chiefs to hold WTO powwow in May

Trade ministers from four major world economies will gather in Tokyo in mid-May to hold annual trade talks aimed at kick-starting preparations for the millennium round of global free trade negotiations, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said Wednesday.
Mar 24, 1999

Tantalizing tempura a crowd-pleaser

Tempura is probably the most internationally popular Japanese dish. It seems difficult to cook the dishat home, but actually, tempura is a very simple dish and tastes good with any kind of ingredients.
Mar 24, 1999

Chinese cronyism hinders reform efforts

The People's Republic of China will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its founding Oct. 1, and major national events are scheduled to take place at that time. President Jiang Zemin has been promoting the slogan of "stability first" -- a reflection of his desire to complete the ceremonies successfully...
Mar 24, 1999

Martin and the king of Siam

A RESOUNDING FAILURE: Martin and the French in Siam, 1672-1693, by Michael Smithies. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 1998, 156 pp., 395 baht. Of the many mercantile adventures that marked European exploitations of Asia, one of the most entertaining is that of the French in Siam. This is a well-known...
Mar 24, 1999

A testing summit for the EU

PARIS -- In many respects, the main body of the European Union is the European Commission, the mass resignation of which was announced last week. The commission's president and its 19 other members are appointed for five years by the European Council, which consists of the heads of state or of government...
Mar 24, 1999

Softbank, Microsoft plan online car-shopping venture

Softbank Corp., Microsoft Corp., and Yahoo Japan Corp. announced Wednesday that they will establish a joint venture in April, capitalized at $7 million, offering a car-shopping information service for Japanese customers.
Mar 24, 1999

Weaving a fall brocade of spindle trees

The spindle tree family (nishikigi-ka, Celastraceae) contains some very ornamental trees, shrubs and climbers, among which nishikigi, the genus Euonymus, is a large group encompassing some 176 species. They grow wild in the temperate to warm regions of the world and can be found in Australia, Europe...
Mar 24, 1999

Frustration and anger produce great Korean fiction

A READY-MADE LIFE: Early Masters of Modern Korean Fiction, selected and translated by Kim Chong-un and Bruce Fulton. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1998, 191 pp., $38 (cloth), $15.95 (paper). "What's driving me to drink isn't anger and isn't the dandies. It's this society -- our Korean society...
LIFE / Travel
Mar 24, 1999

Adventures in suspended reality

Porto Europa, just outside of Wakayama City, is without doubt a playful place to visit and offers a wide range of entertainment, action rides, cuisines and new technology games, but don't expect it to duplicate your last sojourn overseas.
Mar 23, 1999

Another global survival gambit

The tieup deal between Nissan Motor Co. and Renault SA, which will be officially announced on Saturday, is about to change the face of the world auto industry. The French carmaker has decided to take a controlling stake of 35 percent in Nissan. The money Renault will pay for Nissan shares, estimated...
Mar 23, 1999

Strategies for a secure Japan

Diet has finally begun debating the enabling bills for the Japan-U.S. defense cooperation guidelines, almost a year after the government sent them to the legislature last April. How the debate will develop in the weeks ahead has an important bearing on the security environment of Asia, including the...
Mar 23, 1999

Fusion group raises the Five Star Flag

"You'll never be able to guess the next song!"
Mar 22, 1999

Italian theme, cheaper goods key to joint outlet mall

Staff writer
Mar 22, 1999

Dioxin high near Nose incinerator

OSAKA -- Tests on soil samples taken from areas around a controversial incinerator in the town of Nose, Osaka Prefecture, revealed that two sites had dioxin levels exceeding limits set by the Environment Agency, operators of the facility said Monday.
Mar 22, 1999

Roadbed cave-in delays Chuo Line runs

Some 82 trains running on the JR Chuo Line were canceled Monday morning because the roadbed on a section running through the Namikicho area of Hachioji, western Tokyo, was found to have fallen away, according to East Japan Railway Co.
Mar 22, 1999

Activists seek automatic plebiscites upon petition

KYOTO -- In an effort to empower citizens in local politics, a civic group was formed here Monday to draw up a draft ordinance that would require municipalities to hold plebiscites upon request by local voters.
Mar 22, 1999

Doctors far from malpractice accountability

Staff writer
Mar 22, 1999

Gist of lawmakers' past initiatives

Bills initiated by Diet members in recent years:
Mar 22, 1999

U.S. ties central to defense, Obuchi tells academy grads

YOKOSUKA, Kanagawa Pref. -- Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, speaking at a National Defense Academy graduation ceremony Monday, reiterated his pledge to win quick Diet approval of bills to cover revised Japan-U.S. defense cooperation guidelines.
Mar 21, 1999

Reach out and touch your four-footed friends

Do you ever get the feeling that your cat isn't listening to you? Have you ever tried to find a gift for the dog who has everything? Don't despair. The latest in pet communication is here: greeting cards for cats and dogs.
Mar 21, 1999

Consensus or confrontation?

LONDON -- The popular image in Japan is that Britain is a society governed by confrontation and that this has been the source of British failures. Japan, on the other hand, is a society where consensus prevails, and this has led to harmony and to economic success. The popular image is at best a caricature...
Mar 21, 1999


What a downer! A reader has just looked at his calendar and realized that March 15 has passed -- and he forgot to file his Japanese tax return. While he should do it as soon as possible, he does not need to worry. Japan's bureaucracy tends to be compassionate in such matters, especially when the wrongdoer...
Mar 20, 1999

Much ado about doing nothing

In tiny news items inspiring ideas may lurk. Last week, for example, it was reported in the U.S. state of Minnesota that the wife of Gov. Jesse ("The Body") Ventura was ill and had been told by her doctor "to do nothing for a month." The nature of Ms. Ventura's illness was not disclosed, although the...
Mar 20, 1999

Passing time and timeless passion

The Kabukiza this month features such outstanding actors as Danjuro Ichikawa, Koshiro Matsumoto, Kikugoro Onoe, Jakuemon Nakamura and Tamasaburo Bando.
Mar 20, 1999

A cloudy outlook for spring

The Dow-Jones industrial average on the New York Stock Exchange broke through the barrier of 10,000 March 16. Following the overnight rally, the benchmark Nikkei average on the Tokyo Stock Exchange regained the 16,000 level for the first time in seven and a half months. The advances appear to signal...


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals