
Mar 30, 1999

Government approves 917-point deregulation plan

The government decided on Tuesday to adopt a three-year deregulation program that covers 917 points in 15 areas, including electrical appliances and vehicle inspections.
Mar 30, 1999

Child sex laws to be tightened

A group of lawmakers is stepping beyond party lines to submit a bill to the House of Councilors that will toughen laws against the sexual exploitation of minors at home and abroad.
Mar 30, 1999

Kizu exec gets prison over illicit loan

OSAKA -- The Osaka District Court sentenced the former managing director of the failed Kizu Credit Cooperative to a two-year prison term Tuesday for extending an illegal loan to a construction-related firm.
Mar 30, 1999

Japan poised to protest 'spy boats'

The government will soon lodge a formal protest with Pyongyang over the intrusion of what Tokyo has determined were "two North Korean spy boats" in Japanese waters, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka said Tuesday.
Mar 30, 1999

Agency brainstorming rogue boat options

Staff writer
Mar 30, 1999

Panel seeks dioxin cut of 90% over four years

A panel of ministers tasked with tackling dioxin pollution formally adopted basic guidelines Tuesday for measures aimed at cutting such emissions by 90 percent within the next four years.
Mar 30, 1999

Maritime cargo carriers sail abroad for more lucrative waters

Staff writer
Mar 29, 1999

Kakizawa's goals hinge on unaffiliated voters

Staff writer
Mar 29, 1999

Mitsubishi Motors mulls capital tieup proposals

OKAZAKI, Aichi Pref. -- Mitsubishi Motors Corp. President Katsuhiko Kawasoe said Monday the company has received "a variety of proposals" from many automakers to form an alliance centering on MMC's technologies and did not rule out the possibility of any of them developing into a capital tieup.
Mar 29, 1999

Allure, image of governor posts growing on Diet

Staff writers
Mar 29, 1999

New OCCI head vows Osaka's revitalization

OSAKA -- The newly elected chairman of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry said Monday he will make efforts to support the environment, information, welfare and tourism as leading areas in the next century.
Mar 29, 1999

Teacher faces charges of attempted murder

A 42-year-old Tokyo schoolteacher who allegedly planted a handmade bomb in a high school in Tokyo's Minato Ward earlier this month was served a fresh arrest warrant Monday on charges of attempted murder and violation of the explosives control law, police sources said.
Mar 29, 1999

JR West, Shigaraki to pay 501 million yen over crash

OSAKA -- The Osaka District Court ordered West Japan Railway Co. and Shigaraki Kogen Railway Co. to pay 501 million yen in damages Monday to the next of kin of nine people killed in a 1991 Shigaraki head-on train collision that claimed 42 lives and left 614 people injured.
Mar 29, 1999

High court clears mob boss of ordering Murai hit

Upholding a lower court ruling, the Tokyo High Court found a former gang member innocent Monday of ordering the 1995 murder of Hideo Murai, a key figure in Aum Shinrikyo.
Mar 29, 1999

Miyazawa plan takes effect in Hanoi

The government on Monday formalized an Official Development Assistance package for Vietnam, including up to 88 billion yen in yen-denominated loans, to support Hanoi's market-oriented reforms under the "Doi Moi" (renovation) policy.
Mar 29, 1999

Kamei backs Obuchi with new faction

Former Construction Minister Shizuka Kamei said Monday that he and his fledgling faction led by Masakuni Murakami will continue to support Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi as Liberal Democratic Party president.
Mar 29, 1999

Tokyo seeks boat explanation from Pyongyang

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka said Monday that Pyongyang should give a sincere explanation about its ties to two unidentified vessels that intruded into Japanese waters last week before fleeing to North Korea.
Mar 29, 1999

First Obuchi competition meeting yields promises

Government and industrial leaders agreed Monday to work together to restructure excess capacity, create new businesses and promote labor turnover to improve Japan's industrial competitiveness.
Mar 27, 1999

Vote local, think national

Campaigning has started for 12 gubernatorial elections, including the all-important race for Tokyo governor. These are part of a series of local elections to be held in April, the results of which will have a significant impact on national politics. As it enters the 21st century, Japan must implement...
Mar 26, 1999

High stakes in Kosovo

Wednesday evening, NATO attacked a sovereign nation for the first time in the alliance's 50-year history. The initial strikes against Yugoslavia, carried out by B-2 "stealth" bombers and cruise missiles, were designed to suppress air-defense systems and other military targets and are the first steps...
Mar 26, 1999

The Asahara Trial: Guru acted like 'a god'

A former Aum Shinrikyo cult member convicted of killing a fellow cultist in 1994 testified Friday that cult founder Shoko Asahara started behaving as if he were a god toward the end of the 1980s.
Mar 26, 1999

JAS to hire no pilots in fiscal '99

In a rare move for a Japanese airline, Japan Air System Co. announced Friday it will not hire any pilots during fiscal 1999 as part of its structural reform plan.
Mar 26, 1999

Mystery ships spark debate on defense

The government is considering legislative amendments to cope with any future intruding vessels, Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi told a Diet committee Friday.
Mar 26, 1999

Festival trains spotlight on Belgian style

Works of fine art, musical and theatrical performances, soccer and beer will feature in a yearlong campaign to introduce Belgian culture to Japan as a "microcosm of European culture."
Mar 26, 1999

New war hall said to sidestep nation's guilt

An exhibition hall in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward dedicated to victims of the wars fought by Japan in the 1930s and 1940s will not challenge visitors to think too deeply about how Japan waged those wars and its responsibility for them.
Mar 26, 1999

Local Elections '99: Hatoyama and 'symbiosis with nature'

Staff writer
Mar 26, 1999

MITI panel asks U.S. to fix 'peculiar patent system'

A government panel on industrial property urged the United States on Friday to rectify its "peculiar patent system" to cooperate with the global community in setting highly transparent rules on patent protection, and make acquisition of cross-border patents more efficient.
Mar 26, 1999

Ex-Im economist sees dollar settling at 130 yen

Staff writer
Mar 26, 1999

Daihatsu told to fix faulty cars promptly

Daihatsu Motor Co. received a Transport Ministry recommendation Friday to take prompt action on defective cars that should have been subject to a recall.
Mar 26, 1999

Incinerator workers become first to file dioxin claims

OSAKA -- Two former workers at an incinerator in Nose, Osaka Prefecture, applied Friday for work-related damages, claiming their illnesses were caused by exposure to high levels of dioxin at the facility.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals