
Oct 19, 1999

New bank-rescue plan would relieve depositors

An advisory panel to the finance minister on Tuesday said that healthy banks should be brought in to buy failed banks after a revised deposit protection system takes effect in April 2001.
Oct 19, 1999

Japan's biggest nonlife insurer scheduled for 2002

Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Nippon Fire & Marine Insurance Co. and Koa Fire & Marine Insurance Co. formally announced Tuesday they will form a holding company by April 2002 to create the nation's largest nonlife insurer.
Oct 19, 1999

Clans gather for a bit of Scottish tradition in Japan

Staff writer
Oct 19, 1999

Obuchi, Rouhani discuss investment expansion

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi and Hasan Rouhani, Iran's first deputy speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, agreed Tuesday that Japanese investment in Iran should be expanded to strengthen bilateral ties.
Oct 19, 1999

Extra Diet session to start Oct. 29

An extraordinary Diet session will be held for 48 days from Oct. 29 to Dec. 15, the ruling triumvirate agreed Tuesday.
Oct 19, 1999

Pearl Harbor survivors meet their attackers

Two U.S. war veterans who were at Pearl Harbor during Japan's surprise attack in December 1941 were united in Tokyo on Tuesday with Japanese veterans who took part in the mission.
Oct 19, 1999

Aum fills a spiritual need

Special to The Japan Times It has been more than four years since key members of the Aum Shinrikyo religious sect carried out sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo subway system. With its principal facilities closed and its guru and his cohorts arrested, the cult has received a crushing blow. Reports say, however,...
Oct 19, 1999

Japan searches for status, finds only frustration

JAPAN'S QUEST FOR A PERMANENT SECURITY COUNCIL SEAT: A Matter of Pride or Justice?, by Reinhard Drifte. MacMillan Press, St. Antony's Series, 1999, 269 pp., 47.50 British pounds. From the day Japan surrendered to end World War II, its leaders have sought to rehabilitate the country and restore its prewar...
Oct 19, 1999

Simple testimony to tragedy

COMFORT WOMAN, A Filipina's Story of Prostitution and Slavery under the Japanese Military, by Maria Rosa Henson, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc., Lanham, MD, USA, 1999, 120 pages, $19.95 (paper). Here is yet another witness to World War II atrocities committed by Japanese forces. Maria Rosa...
Oct 19, 1999

Air pollution not improving

Air pollution levels around the nation remained little changed in 1998 from the year before, with nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants known to cause respiratory disorders still a problem in major cities, according to an Environment Agency report released Tuesday.
Oct 19, 1999

The 'Moscow Blues Monster' seen rocking Tokyo's streets

For Yuji and Tatsuya it was just another night at Club Metro in Kyoto -- sinking tequila shots, fretting over the future of their jazz band and occasionally taking to the floor to shake their booty to the bouncy bossanova beats blasting from the sound system -- when in walked that girl again.
Oct 19, 1999

Dioxin levels fall but benzene still above limits

Dioxin levels in air throughout Japan improved in 1998, but levels of benzene -- a potent carcinogen found in automobile exhaust -- are still above government safety levels, according to the government's most comprehensive survey of harmful airborne chemicals.
Oct 19, 1999

A celebration of sacred sex

THE COSMIC EMBRACE: An Illustrated Guide to Sacred Sex, by John Stevens. Boston/London: Shambhala, 1999, 190 pp., 120 b/w photographs, $18.95. The notion that sexual relationships are honorable, fulfilling and beneficial is obviously true, yet this truth has experienced the greatest difficulty in...
Oct 19, 1999

An unnerving glance into the abyss

DESTROYING THE WORLD TO SAVE IT: Aum Shinrikyo, Apocalyptic Violence, and the New Global Terrorism, by Robert Jay Lifton. Holt/Metropolitan, 374 pp., $26. A prominent scholar in the psychology of genocide has good and bad news for those who feel paranoid about random, mass killings by fanatics:
Oct 19, 1999

Officials of seven oil firms held in bid-rigging scandal

Nine officials of seven leading oil wholesalers were arrested Tuesday for allegedly rigging bids on fuel contracts with the Defense Agency, according to prosecution sources.
Oct 18, 1999

Kajima trash plant turns leftovers into electricity

Major construction firm Kajima Corp. announced Monday that it has succeeded in building a facility that can generate electricity directly from leftover food and other organic waste.
Oct 18, 1999

Illegal workers, families petition Justice Ministry

A group of foreign nationals who have remained in Japan past the expiration of their visas submitted a petition to the Justice Ministry on Monday, urging the ministry to issue special permission for them to stay in Japan.
Oct 18, 1999

Nissan Motor to cut five factories, 21,000 jobs

Nissan Motor Co. revealed Monday a drastic restructuring plan that includes closing five factories and slashing 21,000 jobs worldwide.
Oct 18, 1999

A dream to revive the woolly mammoth

Staff writer
Oct 18, 1999

Woman stabbed, left for dead in fire

A 68-year-old woman was found stabbed at her apartment in Tokyo's Toshima Ward after firefighters put out an early morning blaze, police said.
Oct 18, 1999

Aoki to make first Okinawa trip

Chief Cabinet Secretary Mikio Aoki said Monday that he will pay a two-day visit to Okinawa beginning Friday for the first time since he was appointed to his post early this month.
Oct 18, 1999

ANA ordered to take back dismissed stewardess

OSAKA -- All Nippon Airways was ordered Monday by the Osaka District Court to rescind its decision to dismiss a female flight attendant who had taken four years off due to work-related injuries.
Oct 18, 1999

Usui to monitor Dow's effect

The Finance Ministry intends to keep a careful watch on how Friday's plunge in the New York stock market could affect the Japanese economy, Vice Finance Minister Nobuaki Usui said Monday.
Oct 18, 1999

Global sports body promotes 'sacred unity'

Staff writer
Oct 18, 1999

Priest held in fatal attack on transient

A 23-year-old Buddhist priest in Tokyo's Chuo Ward was arrested Monday on suspicion of fatally assaulting a homeless man whom he accused of stealing cash from the temple's offertory box, police said.
Oct 18, 1999

ANA pins survival hopes on global alliance

Staff writer
Oct 18, 1999

First bigger, then better

Another Japanese megabank is in the making. Sumitomo Bank and Sakura Bank have just agreed to merge by April 2002, which will create the world's second-largest banking group, with assets of about 99 trillion yen. Earlier this year, Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Fuji Bank and the Industrial Bank of Japan announced...
Oct 18, 1999

Hubs top priority among airline alliances

Battles in the global aviation market no longer pit only airlines against one another. Today's players are multilateral alliances.
Oct 15, 1999

Fukaya says a united front crucial at WTO trade talks

Trade chief Takashi Fukaya reiterated his determination Friday to seek a united front with the European Union and other economies against Washington's agriculture-oriented strategy in upcoming trade liberalization talks, scheduled to start in Seattle late next month.
Oct 15, 1999

Groups host Canada education fair

An education fair will be held at the Canadian Embassy today and Sunday in Tokyo's Akasaka district. The fair will be the first sponsored by the Canadian Education Centre Network in conjunction with the Canadian Education Alliance, two nonprofit organizations officially supported by the embassy.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals