
Nov 22, 1999

Futenma chronology: Outrage sparked relocation

1) Sept. 4, 1995: Three U.S. servicemen rape a Japanese schoolgirl in Okinawa Prefecture, igniting anger over the presence of U.S. military forces.
Nov 22, 1999

Major banks report mostly in the black

All but one of the nation's 17 major banks scored pretax profits in the first half of fiscal 1999, according to midterm reports released by the banks Monday.
Nov 22, 1999

Life Space guru denies suggesting man leave hospital

The founder of the Life Space self-enlightenment group on Monday denied responsibility for moving a member of the group from a hospital in Hyogo Prefecture to a hotel in Narita, Chiba Prefecture, where the man's mummified corpse was found earlier this month.
Nov 22, 1999

Matsushita, Daikin plan AC alliance

OSAKA -- Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. and Daikin Industries, Ltd. announced plans Monday to collaborate in the air conditioning business that will include establishing a joint venture company in April.
Nov 22, 1999

Profits up at JR East, JR Tokai

Two Japan Railway group companies on Monday reported a rise in their unconsolidated pretax profits during the first half of fiscal 1999, despite declines in total revenues.
Nov 22, 1999

Focus needed to revive Made in Japan sheen: Okuda

Staff writer
Nov 22, 1999

Nago base relocation no done deal

YOKO HANI Staff writer
Nov 22, 1999

Restructuring of Nissan brings 323 billion yen loss

Struggling Nissan Motor Co. announced Monday a consolidated net loss of 323.5 billion yen for the first half of fiscal 1999. The automaker said the losses were due to pension and retirement expenses as well as the cost of a massive restructuring program.
Nov 22, 1999

Internet disclosure bills to be submitted in 2000

The government will submit bills to the Diet next year to enable electronic authorization and disclosure of financial statements, the Finance Ministry said Monday.
Nov 22, 1999

Hong Kong's GEM joins race to woo startups

Staff writer
Nov 20, 1999

Only disconnect

Way back in the Orwellian year of 1984, James Cameron's movie "The Terminator" gave us a glimpse of a future swarming with cyborgs -- machines that have taken on a life of their own and turned against human beings.
Nov 20, 1999

Australia's republic: If not now, when?

Australian Prime Minister John Howard recently had an "audience" -- as some Australian media described it -- with Queen Elizabeth II at the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting in Durban, South Africa. During the meeting, the prime minister of Australia personally informed the queen of the United...
Nov 20, 1999

LTCB execs plead not guilty to window-dressing

Three former top executives of the failed Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan pleaded not guilty Friday before the Tokyo District Court to hiding 313 billion yen in losses in the bank's financial report for fiscal 1997.
Nov 20, 1999

Hitachi plans info-systems investment

Hitachi Ltd. announced Friday it will invest 300 billion yen in the next two years to strengthen its foothold in the fast-growing information systems business.
Nov 20, 1999

Hachioji mercury cleanup stirs up protests

A group of residents concerned that mercury from a former pesticide plant in Hachioji, western Tokyo, is making locals sick called on the Environment Agency and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on Friday to check the surrounding environment for pollution and citizens for health problems.
Nov 20, 1999

Inamine agrees to heliport relocation

Nov 20, 1999

JR West up 0.4% for first half

West Japan Railway Co. reported an unconsolidated pretax profit of 24.1 billion yen for the first half of fiscal 1999, up 0.4 percent from the same period last year, company officials said Friday.
Nov 20, 1999

Cabinet OKs bills to aid smaller firms

The Cabinet of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi endorsed a legislation package to invigorate small and medium-size enterprises and boost the number of venture businesses and startups.
Nov 20, 1999

Obuchi to talk with leader of Myanmar

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi plans to meet with the leader of Myanmar's military junta on the sidelines of a Nov. 28 Asian summit in Manila, Japanese government sources said Friday.
Nov 20, 1999

SDF to fly supplies to Timor refugees

Self-Defense Forces aircraft will fly humanitarian aid supplies to East Timorese refugees in West Timor, Foreign Minister Yohei Kono formally announced Friday.
Nov 20, 1999

Something in the air of Japan's 'Deep South'

They were known as the "girlie photographers," dozens of young female photographers who elbowed their way through the society of cameramen to rise to prominence in Japan during the early 1990s. And as the media loves an underdog, critics loved so-called onnanoko shashinka.
Nov 20, 1999

Indigo dyers singing the artisan blues

The deep blue color of aizome (indigo dyeing), is often referred to as the color of Japan. Made from the ai (indigo) plant, a type of tade (smartweed) grown in Japan, aizome has also gained a great deal of popularity worldwide. Although indigo comes in an array of hues, the most popular is one that is...
Nov 20, 1999

Accidental oceanographer takes Kyoto Prize for lifework

Staff writer
Nov 20, 1999

Tokai mayor blames Tokyo for 'nuclear safety myth'

The Tokai nuclear accident was caused and mishandled by the central government, which has propagated a "nuclear safety myth" and failed to build up adequate emergency measures, Tokai Mayor Tatsuya Murakami said Friday.
Nov 20, 1999

Still hope for the musically challenged

Nov 20, 1999

Eight top banks claim profits

Eight of the nation's 17 major banks released their fiscal 1999 midterm earnings reports Friday in which all posted both pretax and after-tax profits at the end of September.
Nov 20, 1999

Heading for a showdown

Nov. 9 marked the 10th anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, which led to the end of the Cold War. The international situation, liberated from ideological confrontations, has changed a great deal since then.
Nov 19, 1999

The challenge of jobs for graduates

Students graduating from the nation's universities, two-year junior colleges and high schools next March are not likely to agree with the optimistic pronouncements being made about signs of a long-delayed recovery for Japan's battered economy. Better days may indeed be ahead for the corporate world,...
Nov 19, 1999

Should auld new wavers be forgot

A film that zeroes in on the forced enthusiasm of New Year's Eve celebrations, "200 Cigarettes" will certainly appeal to those who are already tiring of this year's millennial madness. As one cynic in the film puts it, "Every year it's the same desperate scrambling around, pretending to be happy."
Nov 19, 1999

Buto-sha Tenkei dances the idea

Buto-sha Tenkei has picked a dark vision for its new work "Kanata," which premiered Nov. 10-11 at Kitazawa Hall in Tokyo and will tour the U.S. in February. This group has a revolving membership. Ebisu Torii and Mutsuko Tanaka, performers with more than 25 years of experience in Dai Rakudakan and their...


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals