
Mar 1, 2000

Nippon Asset's rehab plan approved by Tokyo court

The Tokyo District Court has approved a rehabilitation plan submitted by Nippon Asset Management Inc. pledging to repay roughly 30 percent of its debts in five years.
Mar 1, 2000

Salaried household spending drops

Salaried workers' households spent less in January than they did a year earlier for the sixth consecutive month, the Management and Coordination Agency said Tuesday.
Mar 1, 2000

Always more

In recent columns I explored purchasing English-friendly computers in Japan. Here is a little more information submitted by a reader who thinks it will be useful for those needing extended language capabilities for their computers, but first he has something to say about agreements, both local and international,...
Mar 1, 2000

WTO rules against U.S. antidumping law

The World Trade Organization's dispute settlement panel on Monday supported Japan's claims that a U.S. antidumping law allowing individual firms to seek civil damages violates WTO rules, trade sources said.
Mar 1, 2000

Care-givers, doctors face turf war

Hirohiko Nakamura's message to doctors is clear: Back off.
Mar 1, 2000

Conspiracy theories: just waiting to be shot down

Amelia Earhart's fate has long been fertile hunting ground for conspiracy theorists, leading to some credibility-stretching explanations for her disappearance over the Pacific in July 1937.
Mar 1, 2000

Budget's passage puts focus on polls

The Lower House approval Tuesday of the fiscal 2000 budget, a major hurdle in the ongoing 150-day regular Diet session, is expected to give Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi a freer hand in dissolving the chamber for a general election.
Mar 1, 2000

Japan to take part in global probe into Net child porn

The National Police Agency said Tuesday it will join U.S. and European police to investigate Internet-based child pornography, in a move aimed at countering international criticism of the availability of Web-based child pornography in Japan.
Mar 1, 2000

Why ignore the canaries in the coal mine?

For all that the toads that I wrote about in this column a few weeks back have thick warty skins, amphibians in general are thin-skinned and very sensitive. That sensitivity is proving their undoing, and we should be paying much more attention to their demise than we are.
Mar 1, 2000

Jobless rate holds at 4.7%

The unemployment rate stood at a seasonally adjusted 4.7 percent in January, unchanged from December's revised figure, with the rate at 4.8 percent for men and 4.5 percent for women, the Management and Coordination Agency said Tuesday.
Mar 1, 2000

Conversation: enough said

I heard once that the average male speaks 2,000 words a day, while the average female speaks 7,000.
Feb 29, 2000

First principles in Kosovo

One simple question has always hung over the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo: What is the goal? Is it peace at all costs or is it the restoration of the multiethnic communities that existed in Yugoslavia before the country shattered in violence? If the former, then partition may be the solution to Yugoslavia's...
Feb 29, 2000

Afghanistan drags Pakistan down with it

ISLAMABAD -- More than 20 years after Soviet troops marched into Afghanistan in support of the last communist coup, the central Asian country's turmoil is unending. Descriptions such as "extreme impoverishment," "a lost generation" and "the ultimate pariah state" are just some of the ways that Afghanistan...
Feb 29, 2000

Miyabiyama continues rise up sumo rankings

Rising star Miyabiyama continued his impressive run up the sumo hierarchy, achieving the rank of sekiwake as the Japan Sumo Association released its rankings for next month's Spring Grand Sumo Tournament on Monday.
Feb 29, 2000

State agencies did business with Aum company

A police raid of eight facilities related to Aum Shinrikyo on Tuesday revealed that major companies and government agencies had placed orders with a computer software company believed to be a major source of funds for the cult, investigators said. Police searched the facilities on suspicion that a cultist...
Feb 29, 2000

With budget set, elections may be next

Lower House approval of the fiscal 2000 budget, a major hurdle in the ongoing 150-day regular Diet session, is expected to give Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi a freer hand in dissolving the chamber for a general election.
Feb 29, 2000

High court overturns ruling on juvenile killer's privacy

OSAKA -- The Osaka High Court on Tuesday nullified a lower court ruling and rejected the claim of a defendant in a 1998 murder case seeking damages from a publisher who printed his name and photograph although he was a minor at the time of the crime. Presiding Judge Makoto Nemoto ruled that even if the...
Feb 29, 2000

State hastily airs 2002 start date for nonexistent tax

An across-the-board local corporate tax may be introduced in all prefectures as early as fiscal 2002, the head of an advisory panel to the prime minister indicated Tuesday. Corporate earnings as of March 31, 2002, should provide a clue as to whether the economic recovery is solid enough to allow new...
Feb 29, 2000

Kobe tops Toyota for rugby double

Japan company champion Kobe Steel completed the "double" on Sunday by winning the Japan Rugby Union Championship with a convincing 49-20 triumph over Toyota Motor at Tokyo's National Stadium.
Feb 29, 2000

Japanese politics are gray, not green

GREEN POLITICS IN JAPAN, by Lam Peng Er. Routledge, March 1999, 232 pp., $90. The next 100 years have been dubbed the century of the environment. While this pronouncement may be a bit premature, even inflated, it reflects the swelling interest in environmental issues. From global warming and dioxins,...
Feb 29, 2000

I just want to go to Chelsea; the best live show in Japan

You're cruising on a silent sea in a big warm boat when suddenly a tsunami hits and you're dumped in the ocean and you're chased by sharks to the nearest island where you encounter mustachioed cannibals with Spock haircuts waving Hinomaru flags who chase you through a snake-infested jungle and up a mountain,...
Feb 29, 2000

Pilgrimage for the 21st century

EXPLORING KANTO: Weekend Pilgrimages from Tokyo, by Michael Plastow. New York: Weatherall, 1996, 262 pp., with color photos and maps, $19.95. A long journey of exalted purpose is one of the dictionary definitions of pilgrimage. One makes such a demanding endeavor for personal or, if you will, spiritual...
Feb 29, 2000

Ishihara says 3% tax to affect banks only

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara said Tuesday that he has no intention of slapping a tax on the gross profits of any businesses other than banks. He also reiterated his position that major financial institutions are obliged to pay for the administrative services they enjoy. Speaking before the Tokyo Metropolitan...
Feb 29, 2000

Asia's real entrepreneurs shine

THE NEW ASIAN CORPORATION: Managing for the Future in Post-Crisis Asia, by Michael Hamlin. Jossey-Bass, 1999, $21.95. There are few more compelling subjects than the future of the Asian corporation.
Feb 29, 2000

No backtracking allowed

The peace-treaty talks between Japan and Russia are off to a fresh start because Boris Yeltsin suddenly resigned as Russian president at the end of last year. Yeltsin had agreed at a Russo-Japanese summit meeting in 1997 that the two nations should "strive" to sign a long-pending peace pact by the end...
Feb 29, 2000

Fiscal 2000 budget clears Lower House

The Lower House on Tuesday approved the government's 85 trillion yen fiscal 2000 budget, which the ruling bloc calls "a final push" to put the economy back on a recovery track. Now that the budget has cleared the Lower House, it is certain that it will clear the Diet before the new fiscal year starts...
Feb 29, 2000

Osaka proposes deficit-cutting budget

OSAKA -- The Osaka Prefectural Government announced a 3.6 trillion yen budget plan for fiscal 2000 Tuesday that reduces personnel costs and raises high school tuition fees. Prefectural personnel costs will be reduced for the second consecutive year, while tuition fees for new students at local public...
Feb 29, 2000

Japan, U.S. join efforts to tackle infectious disease

Japan and the United States agreed Tuesday to increase cooperation on a joint project in Cambodia to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as AIDS and tuberculosis. During the 10th plenary meeting of the Japan-U.S. Common Agenda, held in Tokyo, the two countries focused on six areas to enhance...
Feb 29, 2000

Anti-glamor Idevian Crew hit the stage

Shigehiro Ide is back on stage with his dance company Idevian Crew after all too long an absence from performing. His comeback in "Which," the piece he choreographed to open the Next Dance Festival at Shinjuku Park Tower Hall Feb. 18, establishes him as the most promising dancer/choreographer on the...
Feb 29, 2000

Staying on the beaten track in darkest Saitama

THE CITY OF YES, by Peter Oliva. Toronto, Canada: McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1999; 336 pp., $21.99. Like many another young, sensitive, well-intentioned foreigner, Canadian-born Peter Oliva -- or his protagonist -- came to Japan for a year and was so bowled over by the place that he felt the world...


The students at Mitaka Municipal No. 7 Junior High School have access to various cooling devices for when they play sports.
Japan's extreme heat is causing a rethink of school sports