
Mar 3, 2000

Kobe telephone clubs torched; four perish

Four men were killed and three others injured early Thursday at a telephone dating club here in Chuo Ward when two men threw a Molotov cocktail into the premises. The four were customers at Rin-Rin House Motomachi, police said, adding that a fifth customer suffered serious injuries and the club's manager...
Mar 3, 2000

New BNFL chief tasked with regaining faith

British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. announced Wednesday it has appointed a new chief executive whose first task will be to restore customers' confidence in the company following an embarrassing safety scandal. Norman Askew, a former executive in the electricity industry, will join the company March 13, replacing...
Mar 3, 2000

Tide turning against coalition

Only three weeks ago, Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi's tripartite coalition was in a celebratory mood after the opposition forces ended their boycott of the Diet and all proceedings returned to normal.
Mar 3, 2000

DirecTV subscribers SKY-ward

DirecTV Japan Inc. has agreed to disband and hand over all its satellite television subscribers to the operator of rival SKYPerfecTV services.
Mar 3, 2000

Niigata cop scandal puts heat on NPA

Mar 3, 2000

Heavy and light in minority fiction

The first Akutagawa Prizes of the year 2000 have been awarded to two works about minority life in Japan. "Kage no Sumika" by Gengetsu, a second-generation Korean-Japanese, deals with life in Osaka's Korean community, while "Natsu no Yakusoku" by Fujino Chiya sketches the daily life of a group of young...
Mar 3, 2000

U.S., Japan to hold talks soon on next WTO trade round

Japan and the United States will begin high-level consultations as early as next week to iron out differences over issues that have prevented the World Trade Organization from launching a new round of global trade liberalization negotiations.
Mar 3, 2000

German ambassador focuses on promoting G8's success

Building seems to be very much on Uwe Kurt Kaestner's mind.
Mar 3, 2000

Online exchange mulled for after-hours trading

Major trading house Mitsui & Co. announced Thursday that it will launch a joint venture with 11 brokerages to establish the nation's first after-hours online trading exchange for individual investors.
Mar 3, 2000

Razaleigh floats trial balloon to see if he could be an heir to power

SINGAPORE -- A former archrival of Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is testing the waters to gauge popular support for a possible bid for the presidency or deputy presidency of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), the country's leading political party.
Mar 3, 2000

IYG to invest $540 million in 7-Eleven

Compiled from Kyodo, Jiji Press NEW YORK -- 7-Eleven Inc. announced Wednesday that majority owner IYG Holding Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of Ito-Yokado Co., will invest $540 million in the U.S. convenience store giant in exchange for 113.7 million primary common stock shares.
Mar 3, 2000

'99 section chiefs' wage: 9 million yen

Section chiefs at major Japanese companies earned an average 9.15 million yen last year, a private think tank said.
Mar 3, 2000

North Korean-made narcotics targeting Japan: U.S. report

Mar 3, 2000

PlayStation2 order site has info security breach

Customer information was accidentally made accessible to anyone entering the Japanese Web site of a Sony group company handling sale reservations of PlayStation2 game consoles, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. said Thursday.
Mar 3, 2000

Beirut snubs Tokyo extradition request

The Lebanese government said Wednesday it will reject Tokyo's request that five Japanese Red Army members be extradited to Japan after their release from a Lebanese prison next Tuesday, a government official said. Commenting on the report that Lebanon has rejected Japan's request, Chief Cabinet Secretary...
Mar 3, 2000

Complimentary consoles to link Dreamcast retailers

Major Japanese video-game maker Sega Enterprises Ltd. said Thursday it is planning to use the Dreamcast game console to link some 5,000 retailers online by this spring to provide marketing information quickly.
Mar 3, 2000

Fundamentals to be key yen-dollar factor

The euro's tumble against the dollar has helped shore up the yen. After hitting a six-month high of 111.73 yen at one time Feb. 22 in Tokyo, the dollar has given up much of its recent gains.
Mar 3, 2000

Aum computer firm got list of 3,000 Honda execs

Aum Shinrikyo obtained a list of some 3,000 officials of Honda Motor Co. through a computer software company linked to the cult, the Metropolitan Police Department said Thursday.
Mar 3, 2000

Don't believe the hype, just cue up the record

You can tell because it's become a staple of boy bands and television commercials, selling everything from hair dryers to soft drinks. Even the least offensive manifestations of hip hop's mainstream acceptance, Dragon Ash, has all the substance of white bread.
Mar 2, 2000

Gone, but not forgotten

Mr. Joerg Haider, the controversial leader of Austria's Freedom Party, has resigned as head of the party. The move is intended to quiet the firestorm of international criticism that followed the decision to include Freedom in the new coalition government in Vienna. In fact, it changes very little. Although...
Mar 2, 2000

Consortium buys up all LTCB shares

The Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan on Wednesday came under the control of New LTCB Partners CV (NLP), a consortium of U.S. and European financial institutions, after all the bank's shares were sold to the group.
Mar 2, 2000

Agencies examine software supplied by Aum-linked firms

Government agencies and major companies opted to double check various computer systems Wednesday after it was discovered that some of the the software may have been developed by a firm controlled by Aum Shinrikyo.
Mar 2, 2000

Sofia seeking EU membership by 2006, visiting minister says

Bulgaria will strive to become a full member of the European Union as early as 2006 by implementing far-reaching economic reforms, according to a senior Bulgarian diplomat who was recently in Japan.
Mar 2, 2000

Diverse portfolio key to 401(k)

Deutsche Bank Group sees itself as uniquely qualified to usher in the planned new 401(k)-type of pension programs in Japan, but an official of the Frankfurt-based financial giant has reservations about how well the system will be received.
Mar 2, 2000

Kepco punishes VP, five other executives

OSAKA -- Kansai Electric Power Co. announced Wednesday that it has taken punitive measures against Vice President Hajimu Maeda and five other executives for announcing false test data on plutonium-uranium mixed oxide fuel, which delayed Japan's planned use of the fuel for nuclear power generation.
Mar 2, 2000

Major League Baseball teams in Japan an improbable dream

Last week former Yokohama BayStars executive Tadahiro Ushigome spoke at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo on a wide range of baseball issues, including the possibility that Japan may one day be home to one or two major league teams.
Mar 2, 2000

New vehicle sales rise for second month running

Sales of new vehicles rose 1.5 percent in February from a year earlier to 362,830 units, the first two consecutive year-on-year monthly increases since the April 1997 consumption tax hike, the Japan Automobile Dealers Association said Wednesday.
Mar 2, 2000

Kosovo refugee held on charge of drug-smuggling

Police have arrested and sent to prosecutors a 29-year-old man who claims to be a Kosovo refugee on suspicion that he tried to smuggle 8.2 kg of cannabis resin into Japan in February, police said Wednesday. Ademaj Florim, who arrived at Narita airport Feb. 11 after flying from the Netherlands via Germany,...
Mar 2, 2000

World-cyclist goes on school circuit

OSAKA -- A 31-year-old Japanese man who has gone around the world by bicycle has begun a series of lectures at junior high schools to tell students about his experiences in the 43 countries he visited.
Mar 2, 2000

BNFL resignation may restore faith

The departure of British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. Chief Executive John Taylor should help restore Japanese customers' confidence in the scandal-ridden company, according to a British utilities analyst. Nigel Hawkins, from London-based brokerage Williams de Broe, predicts that a new boss will be an important...


The students at Mitaka Municipal No. 7 Junior High School have access to various cooling devices for when they play sports.
Japan's extreme heat is causing a rethink of school sports