
Mar 15, 2000

Musashigawa pair remain unbeaten

The Musashigawa stable's pair of sekiwake wrestlers Musoyama and Miyabiyama posted convincing wins Tuesday to remain among the unbeaten leaders in the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament.
Mar 15, 2000

Consumers spoil speedy recovery scenario

Expectations of a strong pickup in consumer spending toward the close of 1999 have failed to materialize.
Mar 14, 2000

Waka, Maru fall on second day

OSAKA -- Grand champions Wakanohana and Musashimaru both fell to sekiwake-ranked wrestlers Monday, leaving Akebono the only unbeaten yokozuna just two days into the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament.
Mar 14, 2000

Mozambique's progress washed away

Most people cannot find Mozambique on a map. For many years, those who did know where the country was located did their best to avoid it. A 13-year civil war ravaged Mozambique, but it ended in 1992. Since then, the government has made remarkable progress in undoing the damage wrought by the war. The...
Mar 14, 2000

Nissho Iwai and Nichimen to unite materials units

Nissho Iwai Corp. and Nichimen Corp. announced Monday that they have agreed to merge their building materials subsidiaries on July 1 in response to the sluggish domestic market.
Mar 14, 2000

Global rules for GM foods to be debated

Members of an international commission on food standards are expected to clash on safety standards for genetically modified foods during a four-day meeting beginning today in Chiba Prefecture, government sources said Monday.
Mar 14, 2000

H.I.S., Sony to form Internet travel venture

H.I.S. Co., Japan's largest retailer of discount air tickets, will set up a joint company with Sony Corp.'s Internet arm to offer travel services via the Internet from this summer, company sources said Monday.
Mar 14, 2000

Time for demand-, not export-driven focus

After climbing past the psychologically important 20,000 barrier for the first time in more than 2 1/2 years early last month, the 225-issue Nikkei average now is languishing at around 19,500.
Mar 14, 2000

Takahashi bags marathon, books ticket to Sydney

Japanese record holder Naoko Takahashi, running alone for the second half of the race, easily won the Nagoya International Women's Marathon on Sunday and assured herself a slot on Japan's Olympic marathon team for this fall. Takahashi covered the 42.195-km out-and-back course from Mizuho Stadium in Nagoya...
Mar 14, 2000

Predictions cautious on economic recovery

The gross domestic product data for October-December released Monday sent mixed signals, with higher plant and equipment investment coupled with dismal consumer spending.
Mar 14, 2000

Leader's informal dinner meet secures Hori's future

The heads of the three ruling parties agreed Monday to keep National Public Safety Commission Chairman Kosuke Hori in office despite opposition demands that he resign over his responsibility for a Niigata Prefectural Police scandal.
Mar 14, 2000

In praise of market heretics

During the 1980s and 1990s, waves of neoconservatism swept the world. The movement was sparked by two politicians: Margaret Thatcher, who became the prime minister of Britain in 1979, and Ronald Reagan, who became president of the United States in 1981. In Japan, a neoconservative administration headed...
Mar 14, 2000

North Korea starts search for Japanese

Pyongyang has begun a search for missing Japanese nationals and will take "appropriate steps" if such people are located, according to a joint statement signed by representatives of the Red Cross societies of Japan and North Korea on Monday. Also confirmed during the talks, held as part of efforts to...
Mar 14, 2000

Sanwa, Asahi, Tokai to merge

Sanwa Bank, Tokai Bank and Asahi Bank are expected to create Japan's second largest financial group through a merger, and an announcement could come as early as today.
Mar 14, 2000

Bank industry slams tax plan anew

The chairman of the Japanese Bankers Association on Monday again criticized a Tokyo draft ordinance that aims to tax the gross profits of large banks in the metropolis as "unfair and undemocratic."
Mar 14, 2000

LDP leaders concur on post-G8 election

OSAKA -- Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi should wait at least until after the Group of Eight summit to dissolve the Lower House for a general election, senior Liberal Democratic Party leaders appeared to have agreed over the weekend.
Mar 14, 2000

Tokyo budget sidesteps asbestos

After having recently provoked outrage in the trucking industry over a controversial plan to regulate diesel cars, "environmentally friendly" Gov. Shintaro Ishihara has just submitted a budget proposal to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly that has one less allocation for green initiatives: that for asbestos...
Mar 14, 2000

Proposed law would make plebiscites binding

Public-drafted legislation was unveiled Monday that would require local governments to hold a plebiscite if at least 10 percent of local voters petition for one, and make the results binding if they reflect the will of over a third of the registered voters.
Mar 14, 2000

GDP drops for second quarter running

The nation's economy shrank a real 1.4 percent during the October-December term compared with the previous quarter, logging negative growth for the second consecutive period, the Economic Planning Agency said Monday.
Mar 14, 2000

Court dismisses diary damages suit

A court on Monday dismissed a damages suit filed by three residents of Fukuoka Prefecture against the state over a diary which the plaintiffs say was tampered with by police to secure the conviction of a man in a bribery case. The Fukuoka District Court said it is "highly possible that the diary was...
Mar 14, 2000

Celtic music takes a sure-footed stand in Tokyo

For anyone interested in "world music," gigs in Japan have been comparatively thin on the ground during the last five years or so, compared to the first years of the '90s. This is a situation that is perhaps set to change.
Mar 14, 2000

Island assembly rejects nuclear fuel storage site

The town assembly of Yaku, Kagoshima Prefecture, on Monday passed a resolution opposing the construction of a nuclear storage facility on islands near the town and plans to adopt an ordinance rejecting the introduction of radioactive materials. A bill on the ordinance is likely to be approved at the...
Mar 14, 2000

BOJ says low prices aren't 'bad'

The Bank of Japan's Policy Board agreed that consumer price declines resulting from structural changes in Japan's distribution system are "not a bad thing" and should be distinguished from deflationary drops, according to the minutes of their Feb. 10 meeting released Monday.
Mar 12, 2000

New Fighters skipper Oshima faces foreign slugger dilemma

Nippon Ham Fighters freshman manager Yasunori Oshima will be faced with a dilemma of sorts when the 2000 Pacific League baseball season begins April 1. He's got three quality foreign hitters but, once the exhibition schedule comes to an end, he'll only be able to play two of them. Japanese baseball rules...
Mar 12, 2000

Osaka to see yokozuna battle

For the first time ever, the four current yokozuna -- Takanohana, Akebono, Musashimaru and Wakanohana -- are expected to compete in the same basho when the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament (Haru Basho) gets under way in Osaka today.
Mar 12, 2000

Sumitomo Bank, Hosei University on Aum-related PC firms' client list

Sumitomo Bank and Hosei University were among the clients of computer software companies believed to be under the control of the Aum Shinrikyo cult, it was learned Saturday.
Mar 12, 2000

165,000 graduates seeking jobs: survey

An estimated 165,000 university, junior college and high school students graduating this spring had not found jobs by the end of January, according to a survey by the Labor and Education ministries.
Mar 12, 2000

Technical trouble mars Hikari Rail Star debut

A new bullet train model, the Hikari Rail Star, suffered a technical problem with the acceleration system on its debut run on the Sanyo Shinkansen line, arriving at its destination 45 minutes behind schedule.
Mar 12, 2000

Retailer joins big boys with Little Me for kids

If there was one thing Ron Kessler was sure of growing up in Chicago, he was not the corporate type. Yet surrounded by uncles in business, he really liked the idea of being an entrepreneur, working for himself. The irony, he said, is that "success forces you to become a manager. Starting up something...
Mar 12, 2000

Domestic uranium plan hits snag

A 1992 plan to produce up to a fourth of the fuel required by Japan's power plants at a uranium enrichment plant in Aomori Prefecture is in jeopardy, with problems arising over technology and cost, power industry sources said Saturday.


The students at Mitaka Municipal No. 7 Junior High School have access to various cooling devices for when they play sports.
Japan's extreme heat is causing a rethink of school sports