
Jun 6, 1997

Tokyo assembly member denies payoffs from Tomobe

Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly member Hideo Arato on June 6 flatly denied allegations that he received 100 million yen from aides of arrested Upper House member Tatsuo Tomobe and helped him buy a seat in the chamber.
Jun 6, 1997

Followup meet on bilateral insurance pact set

Japan and the United States will conduct their first followup meeting in Tokyo on June 11 to discuss progress made under a bilateral insurance agreement reached in December, the Finance Ministry said June 6.
Jun 6, 1997

Okamitsu tells Diet 60 million yen he got was a loan

Nobuharu Okamitsu, a former vice health minister now on trial on charges of taking 60 million yen in bribes from the head of a welfare business group, said in unsworn testimony June 6 at the Diet that he received the money as a temporary loan.
Jun 6, 1997

Panel urges firms to switch to consolidated statements

Japanese businesses should shift to using consolidated rather than individual financial statements from the business year starting in April 1999 since it is rapidly becoming the global norm, an advisory panel said in a report released June 6.
Jun 5, 1997

Nomura ex-chief denies knowledge of 'sokaiya' payoffs

Yoshihisa Tabuchi, former president of Nomura Securities Co., maintained June 5 in unsworn Diet testimony that he had nothing to do with the alleged illegal payoffs by the nation's largest brokerage to a "sokaiya" corporate extortionist.
Jun 5, 1997

Japan to go to bat for environment at G-7 summit

Japan is ready to step to the plate at the upcoming G-7 meeting in Denver as the environment's cleanup hitter. Then again, it might not even take its bat off its shoulder.
Jun 5, 1997

MasterCard says Japan vulnerable to credit fraud

Japan's lack of effective legislation against credit card fraud is making the nation more attractive for counterfeiters, a senior official at MasterCard International warned June 5.
Jun 5, 1997

Perishing Isahaya marine life looks to court for salvation

ISAHAYA, Nagasaki Pref. -- As authorities stand idle and let the entire ecosystem on this tideland perish by the day, marine creatures on the brink of extinction are fighting back against the human race -- in court.
Jun 5, 1997

Sales of imported autos drop further

Sales of imported vehicles in May fell 27 percent from a year ago to 22,919 units, due in part to April's consumption tax increase to 5 percent from 3 percent, the Japan Automobile Importers' Association said June 5.
Jun 5, 1997

DKB chief admits 'sokaiya' had influence

Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank President Katsuhiko Kondo admitted June 5 that DKB executives had maintained cozy relations with a late powerful "sokaiya" leader, and that the man even influenced personnel matters at the major commercial bank.
Jun 5, 1997

The Asahara Trial: Scientist recounts sarin deaths

The people who were killed in the Tokyo subway nerve gas attack were poisoned by high-density sarin, a National Police Agency scientist reiterated June 5 in the trial of Aum Shinrikyo founder Shoko Asahara.
Jun 5, 1997

Bill on nonprofit organizations clears panel

The Lower House Committee on the Cabinet passed a bill June 5 that would grant corporate status to volunteer and other citizens' groups and recognize them as official nonprofit organizations.
Jun 4, 1997

Kobe killer's note said similar to 'Zodiac'

KOBE -- A message written on a note found stuffed in the mouth of 11-year-old Jun Hase's severed head last week bears a resemblance to those written by the "Zodiac" killer, who terrorized the San Francisco area in the late 1960s, investigative sources said June 4.
Jun 4, 1997

Reclamation claims Isahaya ecosystem

ISAHAYA, Nagasaki Pref. -- As far as the eye can see, cracks running through dried soil have taken over what was a resource-rich wetland only 50 days ago.
Jun 4, 1997

MITI panel urges complete reform by April '98

Drastic reforms to achieve complete freedom for players, prices and products in the nation's financial markets should be implemented by April, according to a report released June 4 by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
Jun 4, 1997

Nonprofit groups step closer to corporate status

A bill giving corporate status to volunteer and other citizens groups and recognizing them as official nonprofit organizations is expected to clear the Lower House Committee on the Cabinet June 5.
Jun 4, 1997

Health ministry to research dangers of dioxin

The Health and Welfare Ministry has decided to research the effects on humans of dioxin and other toxic chemicals ingested over long periods from air and food, sources close to the ministry said June 4.
Jun 4, 1997

Indian ambassador proud of reform successes

India's economic reforms launched six years ago have made smooth progress and are producing satisfactory results despite a few changes of government in the past year, new Indian Ambassador Siddharth Singh said June 4.
Jun 4, 1997

Electronic banking software to debut in August

Intranet Systems Inc. announced June 4 that it will start distributing software for an advanced electronic banking system in Japan in late August.
Jun 4, 1997

'Info-structure' next key to economic growth, expert says

People used to say that a nation needs infrastructure for its economy to grow. But today, according to a former head of a Canadian telecommunications equipment company, it is "info-structure" that plays a key role in a country's economic development.
Jun 4, 1997

Keidanren, Nikkeiren back budget reduction goals

The head of the the nation's most powerful business organization on Wednesday gave high marks to the government's budget-reduction plan, saying it is imperative to have business support the scheme.
Jun 4, 1997

Bill for investigating war tragedies on hold

A bill to establish a committee within the Prime Minister's Office to look into the tragedies inflicted by Japan before and during World War II will probably not be submitted to the Diet during the current session, legislative sources said June 4.
Jun 4, 1997

Japan to push for China WTO entry at Denver

Japan will promote the accession of China to the World Trade Organization at the upcoming annual meeting of the world's top leaders in Denver, said Kazuo Ogura, deputy minister for foreign affairs at the Foreign Ministry.
Jun 4, 1997

Postal ministry pounds privatization plan

The Posts and Telecommunications Ministry, as expected, came out June 4 against the idea of privatizing postal services , postal deposits and insurance in its response to the government's blue-ribbon panel on administrative reform.
Jun 4, 1997

High taxi fares blamed on drivers' wages

Taxi fares in Japan are about twice as high as those in other industrialized countries due to drivers' high wages, the Transport Ministry said in a survey report June 4.
Jun 3, 1997

Experts say lack of reform vision a drag confidence

The fiscal reform package approved June 3 by the Cabinet is expected to save the nation a substantial amount of money, but whether it will bring real change to Japan's fiscal structure is highly debatable.
Jun 3, 1997

Lower House approves live airing of testimony

A bill to allow live broadcasts of testimony in the Diet cleared the Lower House on June 3 with the support of all political parties.
Jun 3, 1997

Sato rails against Patent Office as agency

The Patent Office should have greater authority, trade chief Shinji Sato said June 3, indirectly opposing the idea of turning it into an independent agency.
Jun 3, 1997

Chairman of Matsushita becomes Sir Matsushita

OSAKA -- Masaharu Matsushita, chairman of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., was appointed June 3 a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his contributions toward strengthening bilateral ties in business and other areas.
Jun 3, 1997

Revisions to Bank Law may stiffen penalties

Revisions to the Banking Law to increase its punitive measures may be proposed by this fall's extraordinary Diet session, the finance minister said June 3, as the scandal involving Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank deepens day by day.


Wozme, founded by dancer and choreographer Wakaba Kohei, is composed of Kana Kitty, Ami Ishii, Akane Watanabe and Natsuki. Its aim is to inject elegance and beauty, traits traditionally associated with femininity, into the sometimes grotesque art form of butoh dance.
Wozme, an all-women dance troupe, wants to move the needle in butoh