
Jul 11, 1997

New MITI vice minister calls for change

As the global community enters an age of overwhelming competition, Japan must increase its efforts to revamp economic structures and create a new system with greater efficiency, according to Osamu Watanabe, who on July 11 was appointed vice minister for international trade and industry.
Jul 11, 1997

Japan submits financial liberalization plan to WTO

Japan was to submit to a World Trade Organization committee in Geneva on July 11 its package of initial offers to liberalize financial services, including steps for greater deregulation in the areas of insurance and foreign exchange control.
Jul 11, 1997

Ministerial conference to combat 'sokaiya' planned

Government ministers will soon hold a conference to discuss problems related to "sokaiya" corporate extortionists as the reverberations of payoff scandals involving leading financial institutions continue to shake Japan, Chief Cabinet Secretary Seiroku Kajiyama said July 11.
Jul 11, 1997

ASDF planes fly to Cambodia for evacuation mission

Two Air Self-Defense Force transport planes were dispatched early July 12 to Thailand via Manila to prepare for the evacuation of Japanese nationals from Cambodia, where political uncertainty continues, government officials said July 11.
Jul 11, 1997

Baht turmoil will subside, Mitsuzuka says

Turmoil on the foreign currency markets following Thailand's decision last week to float the baht will soon subside, Finance Minister Hiroshi Mitsuzuka predicted July 11.
Jul 10, 1997

Maritime industry, labor grapple with harbor reform

Representatives of the maritime transport industry and labor unions expressed their opinion on proposed deregulation of the port transport business in a public discussion held July 10 by the government's Administrative Reform Committee.
Jul 10, 1997

Firms want blue-collar visa to ease labor shortage

OSAKA -- Prompted by serious concerns among small and medium-size firms over the shortage of blue-collar labor, the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry on July 10 created a working group to discuss how to attract more workers from foreign countries.
Jul 10, 1997

Landslide brings up memories of Kyushu's past

The landslide July 10 near Izumi, Kagoshima Prefecture, has brought back memories of massive flash floods that have devastated areas of Kyushu in the past.
Jul 10, 1997

Request for disaster relief

The Japan Emergency Team, a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization specializing in disaster relief, is preparing to send members to the site of a landslide that killed 19 people in Kagoshima Prefecture on July 10, the team said July 10.
Jul 10, 1997

Small firms less optimistic about future

Small firms' business sentiment for the April-June period deteriorated more than in the previous three months, with retail businesses remaining the most sluggish, according to a national survey released July 10.
Jul 10, 1997

Japan, Malaysia agree Cambodian coalition needed

The foreign ministers of Japan and Malaysia agreed July 10 that rebuilding the coalition between feuding parties in Cambodia is critical to end the political crisis there.
Jul 10, 1997

Fight against poverty going well , U.N. says

Over the past five decades there has been more progress in reducing global poverty than in the past five centuries. Malnutrition has been reduced by one-third and child death rates have been halved.
Jul 10, 1997

Tokyo, Kanagawa bow to wiretap ruling

The central government and Kanagawa Prefecture said July 10 they will not appeal a June 26 high court ruling ordering them to pay about 4 million yen in damages for the 1986 wiretapping of the home phone of then Japanese Communist Party official Yasuo Ogata.
Jul 10, 1997

African countries worry about ODA cutbacks

African countries are concerned about possible cuts in Japan's official development assistance, African Development Bank President Omar Kabbaj told Foreign Minister Yukihiko Ikeda on July 10, according to ministry officials.
Jul 10, 1997

Unlicensed bus firms raided

The Metropolitan Police Department and local police raided hotels and operators of duty-free stores July 10 for operating unlicensed tourist bus services in violation of the Land Transport Law, police sources said.
Jul 10, 1997

Landslide in Fukuoka claims at least 19

FUKUOKA -- Inundating rains set off massive flash flooding and landslides in Kagoshima Prefecture on July 10, killing at least 19 people, injuring 13, and leaving two missing, police said.
Jul 9, 1997

Need for Cambodia airlift recedes

Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Teijiro Furukawa indicated late July 9 that the need for the government to send Air Self-Defense Force planes to Cambodia to rescue Japanese people there has decreased.
Jul 9, 1997

Panel ready to tackle postal privatization

Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto's blue-ribbon reform panel will take up this month the highly controversial issue of privatizing the Posts and Telecommunications Ministry's postal, postal savings and postal insurance services, a high-ranking official said July 9.
Jul 9, 1997

May current account surplus grew 154.9%

Japan's current account surplus for May jumped 154.9 percent from a year earlier to 906.8 billion yen, posting the second straight month of increase, according to provisional figures released July 9.
Jul 9, 1997

FTC drafts rules on forbidden holding firms

The Fair Trade Commission released on July 9 its draft guideline for prohibited cases of holding companies under the revised Antimonopoly Law.
Jul 9, 1997

Cluster discovery may rewrite theory on galaxy formation

A team of Japanese astrophysicists have discovered a cluster of galaxies about 9 billion light years away from the Earth -- a discovery that could rewrite the conventional theory on the formation of galaxies.
Jul 9, 1997

Netanyahu to visit Japan with economic agenda

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make a four-day visit to Japan beginning Aug. 24 in an attempt to further economic relations, diplomatic sources said July 9.
Jul 9, 1997

Japan may reduce official aid to UNDP

Japan may cut its aid disbursement to the United Nations' development unit because of cuts being made to its official development assistance budget, Foreign Minister Yukihiko Ikeda told James Speth, administrator of the U.N. Development Program, according to ministry officials.
Jul 9, 1997

Japan Art Association honors five for cultural contributions

The Japan Art Association on July 9 announced five recipients of the Ninth Praemium Imperiale awards.
Jul 9, 1997

Japan firms urged to take lead in environment

The World Wide Fund for Nature has called on Japanese businesses to establish a council to fight global climate change and take a leading role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions before a key conference in December in Kyoto.
Jul 8, 1997

Sapporo to host U.N. arms symposium

A U.N.-sponsored international conference on disarmament will be held July 22 to 25 in Sapporo to promote international cooperation in arms reduction, Foreign Ministry officials said July 8.
Jul 8, 1997

Transport to stiffen health checks for mariners

The Transport Ministry will this year tighten the physical checkup criteria for older marine pilots to ensure they are physically fit to guide large vessels through busy ports and bays, sources close to the ministry said July 8.
Jul 8, 1997

Wholesale price index eased in June

The domestic wholesale price index for June fell 0.1 percent from the previous month but rose 2 percent from a year earlier, the Bank of Japan said July 8.
Jul 8, 1997

Parties agree to try direct talks with North Korea

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its two non-Cabinet allies agreed July 8 to make efforts to hold direct talks with North Korea, both at the government and party level, to solve questions over emergency food aid and the alleged abduction of Japanese nationals in the 1970s and 1980s.
Jul 8, 1997

Family sues Mercedes, dealers over husband's fiery death

OSAKA -- The family of a man killed when his car caught fire filed a lawsuit July 8 against the company that imported and sold him the vehicle as well as two car dealers that handled it.


Wozme, founded by dancer and choreographer Wakaba Kohei, is composed of Kana Kitty, Ami Ishii, Akane Watanabe and Natsuki. Its aim is to inject elegance and beauty, traits traditionally associated with femininity, into the sometimes grotesque art form of butoh dance.
Wozme, an all-women dance troupe, wants to move the needle in butoh