
Mar 30, 1998

Find your way to Japanese classes with new Kansai map

OSAKA -- Free maps to direct students to Japanese classes in the Kansai region are available in eight languages, providing information on 134 classes. The maps include phone numbers, nearby train stations and descriptions of each class.
Mar 30, 1998

Sumida most vulnerable if big quake hits Tokyo

Kyojima 3-chome in Sumida Ward would be the least resistant to heavy damage out of all areas of Tokyo if a major earthquake were to strike, a report released Monday by the metropolitan government indicates.
Mar 30, 1998

Tokyo's riskiest districts named

Because of fears of a large earthquake hitting the Tokyo region, the metropolitan government's disaster vulnerability survey released Monday may warrant a close look.
Mar 30, 1998

Kunimatsu ambush remains a mystery

Three years ago Monday, Takaji Kunimatsu, then chief of the National Police Agency, was shot by an unidentified gunman and seriously wounded as he left his condominium in Tokyo's Arakawa Ward for work.
Mar 27, 1998

Population now at 126 million

Japan's population as of Oct. 1 was estimated at 126 million, an increase of 300,000 over the previous year's total, the Management and Coordination Agency said Thursday.
Mar 27, 1998

Osaka subway worker dies in fire

OSAKA -- A construction worker died from smoke inhalation after a fire broke out early March 27 at Honmachi Station on the Midosuji Subway Line here, police said.
Mar 27, 1998

Yamaichi Securities delists at 2 yen a share

The name of Yamaichi Securities -- once Japan's largest brokerage during the heyday of its 100-year history -- was removed from quotation boards at the Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya stock exchanges as the firm was delisted March 27.
Mar 27, 1998

Man who eluded conviction gets life in prison

A 61-year-old former sanitation worker previously acquitted of murder was sentenced to life in prison March 27 for killing a woman with whom he had lived, and raping and trying to kill a 5-year-old girl in 1996.
Mar 27, 1998

Hashimoto hints of fiscal reform law revision

Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto implied to a Diet committee March 27 that after the fiscal 1998 budget bills are passed, he will discuss revising the Fiscal Structural Reform Law, a legal barrier to powerful pump-priming measures such as income tax cuts.
Mar 27, 1998

3 billion yen in emergency aid granted to Indonesia

The government will extend a 3 billion yen emergency humanitarian grant to Indonesia, Foreign Minister Keizo Obuchi said March 27.
Mar 27, 1998

The Asahara Trial: Cultist says he buried VX to stop attacks

Former Aum Shinrikyo fugitive Yasuo Hayashi testified March 27 that he volunteered in April 1995 to bury deadly VX nerve gas produced by the cult so it would not be used in a terrorist attack.
Mar 27, 1998

Displaced brokers embark on uncertain career paths

Early this month, a 55-year-old manager at the failed Yamaichi Securities Co. had a job interview with Merrill Lynch, a major U.S. brokerage that has launched a new campaign to penetrate the Japanese market.
Mar 27, 1998

BOJ sets up legal compliance panel

The corruption-plagued Bank of Japan has set up an in-house committee to discuss matters concerning legal compliance by its officials, the central bank said March 27.
Mar 27, 1998

Stopgap budget OK'd by Cabinet

With the Upper House still deliberating over the fiscal 1998 state budget, the Cabinet endorsed a stopgap budget March 27 with 7.86 trillion yen in outlays to cover the first 18 days of the new fiscal year, which begins Wednesday.
Mar 27, 1998

Anti-scandal talks to resume as LDP backs off

After a day of confusion, secretaries general of the ruling alliance agreed March 27 that their three parties will resume talks on a newly proposed legislative measure to crack down on influence-peddling.
Mar 27, 1998

Cabinet sends info disclosure bill to Diet

The Cabinet approved a bill March 27 that would require government ministries and agencies to disclose information on their activities at the public's request -- a step toward a more democratized society.
Mar 27, 1998

MMC pushes back market-share target six years

KYOTO -- Mitsubishi Motors Corp. is set on obtaining a 15 percent share in the domestic market by 2006, not 2000 as originally targeted, MMC President Katsuhiko Kawasoe said March 27.
Mar 27, 1998

Nippon Yusen to take over Showa Line

Nippon Yusen K.K., the country's leading maritime transport firm, will merge with Showa Line Ltd. in October, top executives of the two carriers announced March 27.
Mar 26, 1998

Consumers need protection from 'Big Bang,' lawyers say

A financial services law to protect consumers from the impending "Big Bang" financial reform is urgently needed, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations told the Finance Ministry on March 26.
Mar 26, 1998

Tokyo, Moscow make headway in peace treaty talks

Japan and Russia on March 26 increased mutual understanding in their efforts to conclude a bilateral peace treaty at a vice ministerial level meeting in Tokyo, Foreign Ministry officials said.
Mar 26, 1998

Paralympians receive Emperor's Cups

Seven gold medalists from the Nagano Paralympics received Emperor's Cups from Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto in a ceremony at the Prime Minister's Official Residence on March 26.
Mar 26, 1998

Gist of proposed stimulus measures

The following are the key points of the Liberal Democratic Party's stimulus plan:
Mar 26, 1998

BOJ retains easy monetary policy

In its first policy decision under new leadership, the Bank of Japan decided March 26 to maintain its easy monetary policy, including an all-time low official discount rate of 0.5 percent.
Mar 26, 1998

Foreign residents win redress in fingerprint-refusal case

OSAKA -- The Osaka District Court on March 26 ordered three local governments to pay partial damages totaling 570,000 yen to six foreign residents who demanded compensation from the state and seven prefectures after being unjustly arrested and tried for refusing to be fingerprinted under the Alien Registration...
Mar 26, 1998

LDP comes out against coalition's anti-scandal proposal

A rift in the ruling coalition emerged March 26 when a Liberal Democratic Party ethics panel came out against a proposed legislative measure designed to prevent recurrences of money scandals.
Mar 26, 1998

Fujitsu names its next president

Fujitsu Ltd. has named Naoyuki Akikusa, senior managing director, to succeed President Tadashi Sekizawa, it announced March 26.
Mar 26, 1998

Temp service offers scholarships for study overseas

Tempstaff Co. will offer scholarship programs for Japanese students and working women wishing to boost their language ability and international business skills through studying and working abroad.
Mar 26, 1998

Supreme Court rejects appeal by dog owner

The Supreme Court on March 26 upheld lower court rulings prohibiting a Tokyo condominium resident from keeping a dog.
Mar 26, 1998

Ceramics-maker turns bottles into bucks

Sixteenth in a series of occasional articles on venture businesses
Mar 26, 1998

20 bus, railway unions go on strike over wages

Twenty bus and railway company labor unions went on strike early March 26 after unions and management failed to agree on an annual pay hike during ongoing spring labor negotiations.


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free