
Apr 16, 1999

Miyazawa mum on splitting Finance

Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said Friday he will wait and see how the Finance Ministry is to share its policy-planning authority with the proposed Financial Agency.
Apr 15, 1999

Justice for all, even prosecutors

The Public Prosecutor's Office, in any country, is the arm of the law responsible for investigating crimes, gathering evidence and seeing to it that justice is done. In Japan, where collusion among politicians, bureaucrats and business-people is not uncommon, the Public Prosecutor's Office is often the...
Apr 15, 1999

Arianespace inks contract to launch Japanese satellites

Arianespace, the world's leading commercial satellite launcher, has signed a contract with Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corp. to launch two broadcasting satellites for a Japanese company, Jean-Marie Luton, chairman of Arianespace said Thursday.
Apr 15, 1999

Nuclear waste ship docks at Aomori village

AOMORI -- A British ship ferrying high-level radioactive waste reprocessed in France arrived Thursday to drop off its Japanese cargo at a port in Aomori Prefecture.
Apr 15, 1999

Politicians blast Justice Ministry over Norisada flap

Lawmakers strongly criticized the Justice Ministry on Thursday for what they called its leniency in reprimanding a former high-ranking prosecutor.
Apr 15, 1999

WTO to get Tokyo complaint on U.S. law in May

Staff writer
Apr 15, 1999

Ready for 2000?: Gartner Group sees no big Y2K failures

This is the first in an occasional series on Japan's Y2K preparedness.
Apr 15, 1999

LDP, New Komeito look to soften blow to Finance Ministry

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito were close to striking a compromise deal Thursday over whether -- and how -- to strip the Finance Ministry of its policymaking power, officials of the two parties said.
Apr 15, 1999

60 coalition members set up study group

Aiming at increasing their presence within the Liberal Democratic Party-Liberal Party coalition, some 60 members of the two parties jointly established a new study group Thursday.
Apr 15, 1999

Keidanren wants Obuchi to push debt-equity swaps

The Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) urged the government Thursday to revise laws and taxes to help reinvigorate domestic industries.
Apr 15, 1999

Japanese women say single life fine — if they're financially independent

Some say that '70s feminism began its fall from grace in 1986 when a study claimed that a woman's chances of marrying sometime in her life drops to 5 percent after she passes her 35th birthday. The notion that so many nominally liberated women found this conclusion distressing gave rise to the cynical...
Apr 15, 1999

IDC board votes in favor of NTT's takeover offer

In a move that could trigger a trade row between Tokyo and London, the board of International Digital Communications Inc. voted Thursday in favor of a takeover bid by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. over one by Britain's Cable & Wireless PLC.
Apr 15, 1999

I will drink green juices, Sam I am

Green foods and juices have been around for a long time as health supplements, but these days some restaurants are serving up glasses of lawn-redolent wheat grass juice, or spirulina, with your lunch.
LIFE / Travel
Apr 15, 1999

Healing society's ills from the roots up

BANGKOK -- As Thailand rapidly converts from agrarian state to economic dragon, a growing number of Thai people are looking for solutions to modern society's own brand of ills. The Bangkok-based Spirit in Education Movement (SEM) points to the country's traditional Buddhist roots for answers.
Apr 15, 1999

Choosing to release world's bonds

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, gives one sermon annually in the main temple's court, right in front of the entrance to his residence in the Tibetan exile community Dharmsala, in northern India.
Apr 15, 1999

Everyone loses but Milosevic

Recently, the Croatian government issued an angry statement saying that the continuation of NATO's air raids in Yugoslavia jeopardizes the Croatian economy: Thousands of Western tourists will cancel their bookings at the beach hotels on the spectacular Adriatic coast of Croatia and go to Spain or Morocco...
Apr 14, 1999

Who profits from Indonesia's violence?

Last week, pro-Indonesia militiamen killed dozens of people who had taken refuge in a Catholic church in the East Timor town of Liquisa. The government says 25 people died in the most recent burst of violence in the troubled province; human-rights groups say the number of victims is more than twice that...
Apr 14, 1999

JICS handles nuts and bolts of foreign aid

Staff writer
LIFE / Digital / CYBERIA
Apr 14, 1999

Cyberlife during wartime

My hanami last week started grimly. One participant, when asked why he looked so glum on such a happy occasion, explained that he was thinking of the Kosovo refugees. He had once been in the hills where they have fled, and even though he was prepared for it, he still remembers the cold and the discomfort....
Apr 14, 1999

Regulated 'amakudari' takes effect

The National Personnel Authority on Wednesday approved a former ministry official's private sector posting in the first application of a newly introduced system regulating former bureaucrats who take positions at private firms.
Apr 14, 1999

Incoming prosecutor says affairs bring vitality

Extracurricular activities are a source of vitality for prosecutors, said the deputy prosecutor general of the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office, it was learned Wednesday.
Apr 14, 1999

Symposium on Reviving the Japanese Economy

1) Economic woes call for internal reform 2) Housing policy sinks birthrate 3) 'Strategies for Reviving the Japanese Economy'
Apr 14, 1999

OECD says Japan has bottomed out

The economy has bottomed out and will likely achieve positive, albeit minimal, growth in the current fiscal year, said Herwig Schloegl, deputy secretary general of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, on Wednesday.
Apr 14, 1999

NTT eyes IDC buyout as C&W stands by

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. will buy out International Digital Communications Inc. if the international service carrier unanimously agrees to the deal, NTT President Junichiro Miyazu said Wednesday.
Apr 14, 1999

It's the little things

Cultural contrasts! Everywhere there are traps. I was late when I left home yesterday so I quickly kicked off my slippers as I ran out the door. Later, I returned with a Japanese friend. She laughed when she saw my slippers. "We would never do that!" she said. Do what? I asked. Of course. I should have...
Apr 14, 1999

Accelerate reform to avert depression: OECD

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on Wednesday urged Japan to expedite regulatory reform efforts to avoid a depression and lay the groundwork for sustainable long-term growth.
Apr 14, 1999

A British art gallery finds an answer to a perennial problem

SOUTHAMPTON, England -- The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford is generally acknowledged to be the world's first modern museum worthy of the title. Unlike its predecessors, it was not just a cabinet of curiosities -- archaeological relics and anthropological wonders amassed by some explorer and shown in his...
LIFE / Travel
Apr 14, 1999

Where the roof of Europe scrapes the sky

The pictures in the tourist pamphlet showed an ideal mountain scene in the French Alps, almost too good to be true: a lake of purest blue in the foreground surrounded by bright green hills leading up to spectacular snow-capped mountains under cloudless skies. If this were real, I doubted I could afford...
LIFE / Travel
Apr 14, 1999

A visit to childhood memories

PITTSFIELD, Mass. -- Barbies, Slinkies, Silly Putty, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys and Duncan yo-yos -- what baby boomer does not remember these classic toys?
Apr 14, 1999

A clear victory for NATO

LONDON -- This time the critics and skeptics are turning out to be wrong. Conventional wisdom holds that one cannot halt an enemy from the air, let alone force a capitulation. Only troops on the ground can do that. This is supposed to be the overriding lesson from the disaster that was the Vietnam War....


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free