
Oct 2, 1999

Taiwan quake shakes China's mandate

BEIJING -- Chinese news coverage of the killer earthquake in Taiwan has been both muted and sporadic, ranging from solicitous concern for the rogue province to no news at all. When the earthquake did get print or air time in the week following the temblor, coverage tended to focus on what mainland authorities,...
Oct 1, 1999

Half-year trade surplus falls 13.6%

The nation's surplus in merchandise trade in the April-September period fell 13.6 percent from a year earlier to 6.39 trillion yen, the first decrease in five fiscal half-year periods, the Finance Ministry said Monday.
Oct 1, 1999

Tech forum plans DSL promo firm

The DSL Access Platform Forum, which was set up earlier this month by Internet service providers, telecommunications firms and electronics makers, is planning to establish a company within the year to promote businesses using digital subscriber line technology, it was learned Monday.
Oct 1, 1999

COP5 gathering to set rules for emissions goals

Staff writer
Oct 1, 1999

NEC posts loss for fiscal first half

NEC Corp. posted a 48.8 billion yen net loss on a consolidated basis in the first half of fiscal 1999 on 2.27 trillion yen in sales, the country's major computer and memory chip manufacturer reported Monday.
Oct 1, 1999

Tokyo answers U.S. criticism over WTO agenda

Tokyo has responded to U.S. criticism of Japanese proposals for the coming round of World Trade Organization negotiations by presenting Washington with a list of counter-arguments that underscore the need for the inclusion of discussions on antidumping measures if the talks are to be a success, Japanese...
Sep 30, 1999

The violence in East Timor

Intimidation failed in East Timor. Despite threats and violence, a stunning 98.6 percent of registered voters turned in ballots in Monday's referendum on the territory's future. Sadly, the peace on voting day was only a lull; violence resumed when the polls closed. Worse, it has become clear that the...
Sep 30, 1999

Russia's Chechen scapegoat

A wave of terrorist bombings in Moscow is pushing Russia once again toward war. No government can permit its citizens to be terrorized, and the scale of the recent attacks suggests that a formidable enemy is at work. Still, Moscow's response to the bombings seems ill-planned and desperate. Just as troubling...
Sep 30, 1999

More reform needed to underpin Japan's economic recovery

Japan has made important progress in recent years in the area of regulatory and other structural reforms, but there is an urgent need for further and more rapid progress to strengthen future Japanese growth and prosperity.
Sep 30, 1999

Y2K info on yearend flights on ministry Web site

The Transport Ministry today will begin posting information on foreign countries' Y2K preparations for New Year's flights on its Web site, amid high expectations of computer problems during the annual changeover.
Sep 30, 1999

Chinese students embrace lessons of Japanese advertising

Staff writer
Sep 30, 1999

State reinsurance clause needs review, panel says

The government, nonlife insurance companies and traffic accident victims need to further discuss whether the state reinsurance provision of the compulsory automobile liability insurance system should be abolished before the system is revised, a Transport Ministry panel said in a report submitted Thursday...
Sep 30, 1999

Cut in broker commissions to bring unheralded competition

Staff writer
Sep 30, 1999

Tokai nuclear accident goes critical; remains out of control

A nuclear accident at a uranium-processing plant 125 km northeast of Tokyo on Thursday reached criticality, injuring three and pushing radiation levels up to 20,000 times beyond normal in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture.
Sep 30, 1999

Campaign for Anti-Aum law to continue

The government remains committed to its plan to draw up a new law to specifically restrict the activities of Aum Shinrikyo, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka said Thursday.
Sep 30, 1999

Pressure on Jakarta urged to head off Timor debacle

Regional correspondent
Sep 30, 1999

Iron stomachs and chefs give it their all

Japan has produced a fair number of marathon stars. It's an achievement that probably has less to do with genetically bound physical attributes than with culturally bound psychological ones. The "gambaru" mentality that governs so many endeavors in Japan, especially in the world of sports, is central...
Sep 30, 1999

Aum cultist given death sentence for part in subway attack

A senior Aum Shinrikyo member was sentenced to death Thursday for releasing deadly nerve gas on the Tokyo subway system in March 1995 and for illegally manufacturing a rifle.
Sep 30, 1999

Obuchi cancels Cabinet reshuffle

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi decided to delay the reshuffling of his Cabinet on Thursday due to the unfolding nuclear crisis in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture, although most of his picks were to be appointed today.
Sep 30, 1999

Washington consensus cracks, but what is next?

WASHINGTON -- Is the so-called Washington consensus coming to an end?
Sep 30, 1999

Green Cross execs face bars over HIV scandal

OSAKA -- Prosecutors Thursday demanded prison terms of between 2 1/2 and three years for three former presidents of Green Cross Corp. for alleged professional negligence that resulted in the deaths of patients who were administered HIV-tainted blood products produced by the company.
Sep 30, 1999

Parties agree to tackle redenomination of yen

As part of their policy arrangements for launching a new coalition government, the Liberal Democratic Party, Liberal Party and New Komeito on Thursday agreed to consider redenominating the yen, beginning early in the 21st century.
Sep 30, 1999

Japan to tighten ties with Libya, send ambassador

Staff writer
Sep 30, 1999

Workers said exposed to A-bomb level radiation

The amount of that three of 14 workers irradiated in a nuclear accident at uranium-processing firm JCO Co. were exposed to is estimated to have been at least eight sievert, doctors said Thursday evening.
Sep 29, 1999

Japan's binding promise to the G7

At the G7 conference of finance ministers and central bank chiefs that was held in Washington over the weekend, the delegates from other member nations agreed to adopt a read-between-the-lines statement in which the world's top financial managers shared their worry over the recent sharp rise of the yen....
Sep 29, 1999

Hatoyama to name Kan as DPJ policy chief

Naoto Kan, former leader of the Democratic Party of Japan, will be appointed as the party's policy chief under new party leader Yukio Hatoyama, party sources said Wednesday.
Sep 29, 1999

Parties agree to expand SDF reach to U.N. missions

The three would-be coalition partners agreed Wednesday to allow the Self-Defense Forces to fully participate in United Nations-led peacekeeping operations, and to draw up further legislation that will enable Japan to engage in other types of U.N. efforts.
Sep 29, 1999

Aum followers held in raid; confinements alleged

A current and former member of Aum Shinrikyo were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of detaining a female follower who attempted to escape from a cult facility in Kiso-Fukushima, Nagano Prefecture, police said.
Sep 29, 1999

Computer grandmas enter digital age at

Staff writer
Sep 29, 1999

'Charisma beauticians' under fire

In response to the large influence wielded by trendy but unlicensed beauticians working in Tokyo, the Health and Welfare Ministry has instructed municipalities to check the licenses of those applying to open beauty parlors.


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free