
Dec 6, 1999

Kono claims deal close on ending Pyongyang sanctions

Foreign Minister Yohei Kono expressed his resolve Monday to quickly work to lift remaining sanctions against North Korea and resume bilateral talks on normalizing diplomatic relations. Kono's comments came one day after Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi instructed him to study lifting sanctions against the...
Dec 6, 1999

Pearl Harbor: Memo sheds light on Japan's failure to make a 'declaration' of war

It is popularly believed in Japan that the country would have been spared the disgrace of carrying out a "sneak attack" on Pearl Harbor if Tokyo's final memorandum to U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull in Washington had been delivered prior to its launch as planned. But a former diplomat says he has...
Dec 6, 1999

Nation's GDP slips 1% in July-September term

The economy shrank a real 1 percent during the July-September quarter compared with the previous term, according to gross domestic product figures released Monday by the Economic Planning Agency. The quarterly slide in GDP, the broadest gauge of economic activities, translates into an annualized shrinkage...
Dec 5, 1999

Aum's surprise expression of 'regret'

Never able to stay out of the news for long, the Aum Shinrikyo cult made headlines last week, but this time with deliberate intent. The unprecedented formal admission by its current acting leader, Ms. Tatsuko Muraoka, that some of the cult's members were indeed involved in the series of crimes of which...
Dec 5, 1999

Right to life, liberty and free ATM use

WASHINGTON -- A few years ago, an ATM machine malfunctioned in the elite Washington, D.C. neighborhood of Georgetown. Americans lined up to collect $20 bills being handed out in place of $5 notes.
Dec 5, 1999

New entry

I have long relationships with some of my readers. One contacted me first with a challenging project -- teaching her cat to use a scratch post -- and moved on through a wedding at a shrine and later a divorce, and finally the establishment of her own business. We have never met but we are friends so...
Dec 5, 1999

Fantasy, drama: visions of a blind artist

When Carter's, the biggest children's clothes maker in the U.S., chose to use blind artist Emu Namae's pastel drawings on their children's line, new doors opened in Namae's life.
Dec 5, 1999

Born to fail the Japanese proficiency test

Today at this very moment, while you are reading this newspaper, myself, as well as thousands of other foreigners in Japan, are failing the Japanese Proficiency Test.
Dec 5, 1999

Mellow, smooth and clear -- classical orchestras fill a niche

Chamber orchestras vary in size, just as people do. A chamber orchestra may comprise as few as 13 (the smallest number that can sound like an orchestra) or as many as 20 string players, plus winds. A symphony orchestra usually musters a string body ranging upward from, say, 35 string players.
Dec 5, 1999

Down Under music with Asian flair

The renowned Australian composer Peter Sculthorpe vividly recalls gifts he received as a young boy growing up in 1930s rural Tasmania, given to him by family friends on return from Japan. One gift was a much-thumbed children's version of the "Tale of Genji," the other a cardboard-cutout castle.
Dec 4, 1999

An empty place at the Washington Zoo

People in Washington were saddened this week by the death of a local favorite. By all accounts, so were people much farther afield -- as far away even as China, where the deceased was born 28 years ago. If that sounds young, it wasn't: This was no scion of an American dynasty, no rising political star,...
Dec 4, 1999

In Britain now, 'tis the season to be silly

Not with a bang but a whimper, last month Britain's hereditary lords slid out of their ermine robes and off the scarlet-padded benches and retired to their country seats. A line of continuity from feudalism has finally been broken.
Dec 4, 1999

Folk painting from roadside to museum

The world of the minga, "folk painting," is one of subtle beauty created by the countless unknown artists who draw on rich crafts traditions for inspiration. The end result of these unknown artists is refreshingly simple, unaffected works of art. Opportunities to view the work of these unheralded artists...
Dec 4, 1999

The buzz in Washington: New Millennium parties and would-be new presidents

WASHINGTON -- I experienced some interesting feelings as I typed in the date on this piece. We writers and pundits will have an emotional ride during the next few weeks as we put pen to paper -- or fingers to keyboard -- for the last time in this century and millennium. The temptations are rife: to be...
Dec 4, 1999

Drumming up business for 300 years

The first musical instruments humans ever invented were believed to be those of percussion. The oldest drum, discovered in Moravia, dates back to 6000 B.C.
Dec 4, 1999

Innovative star takes the stage

Those who appreciate the finest koto and shamisen music will be familiar with the name of Satomi Fukami. Fukami is considered to be one of the most innovative of all mid-career hogaku performers. She developed a highly disciplined style based on classics combined with a modern sensibility. This enables...
Dec 4, 1999

Exorcising demons of relentlessly passing time

Miyako Ishiuchi underwent an experience in her late 20s that was, if not entirely unique, certainly highly unusual: She became entranced with photography because of its smell.
Dec 3, 1999

Accused tot killer fed up with other mom

A housewife arrested in the strangling of a 2-year-old girl last month said she committed the crime because she could not bear to have to spend three more years with the child's mother if the toddler was accepted to the same local kindergarten as her own child, sources close to the case said Friday....
Dec 3, 1999

LDP panel to discuss suffrage for minorities

A Liberal Democratic Party panel said Friday it will hold a series of sessions to study a proposal to give permanent foreign residents the right to vote in local elections, party officials said. But the ruling coalition -- the LDP, Liberal Party and New Komeito -- is unlikely to submit a bill to this...
Dec 3, 1999

Corporate Japan turns the corner

The latest midterm earnings reports from Japanese companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange offer a qualified but positive message: Corporate Japan appears to be finally recovering from its protracted slump. Pretax current profits for the six months to September held level with profits from the same...
Dec 3, 1999

Delegation urges resumption of talks with Pyongyang

Representatives of a nonpartisan mission that returned from a trip to North Korea on Friday urged Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi to work toward a quick resumption of normalization talks with the Stalinist country. Former Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, who headed the delegation, and two other representatives...
Dec 3, 1999

Hino, Isuzu to unite ailing bus operations

Hino Motors Ltd. and Isuzu Motors Ltd. said Friday they will integrate their unprofitable bus businesses into an equally owned joint venture to be established next year. Hino Motors President Hiroshi Yuasa and Isuzu President Takeshi Inoh told a news conference in Tokyo that joint production will begin...
Dec 3, 1999

Health bureaucrats' investment prowess questioned

Staff writer One of the world's largest institutional investors with pension assets worth 140 trillion yen will come into being if a package of pension reform bills currently under deliberation is approved by the Diet. The main pillar of the pension reforms, being pushed by the ruling coalition in the...
Dec 3, 1999

Bully politics back in vogue

Many important bills are pending in the current extraordinary Diet session that closes Dec. 15, and the government and the ruling tripartite coalition no doubt are considering an extension of the session. The three opposition parties, meanwhile, are gearing up to quash the bills and present a no-confidence...
Dec 3, 1999

Neon no aurora for flyboy cabby

Staff writer Tokyo's nighttime neon casts a flickering rainbow through Masaharu Satoh's taxi -- a poor substitute for his former life, but it will do for now. Putting on his sunglasses and cap, with a tug of the steering wheel, Satoh takes off into the clouds, the hustle and bustle and high-rises reduced...
Dec 3, 1999

Taya named to BOJ Policy Board

Teizo Taya, former managing director of Daiwa Institute of Research, was appointed to the Bank of Japan's nine-member Policy Board Friday. Taya, 54, served as an economist with the International Monetary Fund for 5 1/2 years before joining DIR in 1983. In the past he has advocated that the BOJ increase...
Dec 3, 1999

Rights advocates cite stalling on U.N. torture convention

Staff writer Human rights advocates voiced concerns over Japan's compliance with the U.N. convention on torture at a public hearing held by the Foreign Ministry and other ministries Friday. The session was held to hear opinions from nongovernmental organizations on what issues should be included in the...
Dec 3, 1999

Cult feeling the heat as crackdown laws debut

Staff writer Friday's enactment of two laws specifically targeting Aum Shinrikyo may give investigative authorities new ammunition with which to battle the cult, and Aum's leadership will have to perform a balancing act between self-preservation and public acceptance. The swiftness with which the Diet...
Dec 3, 1999

Bimetallic 500 yen coin set to be issued in August

A 500 yen coin made with a new mix of metals will debut in August to combat a vending machine con in which altered 500-won South Korean coins are redeemed for the more valuable domestic coin, the Finance Ministry announced Friday. It will be Japan's first reminting of a coin as an anti-counterfeiting...
Dec 2, 1999

Citizen 'subversives' in our midst?

One person's definition of public security will not be the same as another's. Concepts of what constitutes the peace, safety and order of society -- and perhaps more importantly, what endangers them -- also change at different periods of history. With the Cold War long over, however, most unbiased observers...


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free