
Feb 28, 2000

Transport Ministry group drafts tunnel-safety manual

A Transport Ministry study group on tunnel safety compiled a final report Monday that puts tunnel inspections into three categories and will serve as a new manual for tunnel maintenance. In line with the report, the ministry the same day issued instructions to the 108 railway operators nationwide to...
Feb 27, 2000

The imitable Jeeves

Correct us if we are wrong, but we seem to have detected a certain half-veiled annoyance recently on the part of a British literary agency named A.P. Watt. The trouble is, these Watt chaps' duties include looking after the estate of the late, great comic novelist P.G. Wodehouse, creator of the supposedly...
Feb 27, 2000

'Dalit' priest researches caste system in Japan

As a child the Rev. Busi Suneel Bhanu had no inkling of his status in the Indian caste system. Enlightenment came in his early teens, when a teacher voiced shock on being told that Suneel was "Dalit," the name used for those Indians regarded as "untouchable" because of the traditional nature of their...
Feb 27, 2000

Artistic exchange leaves a rich legacy

"Yokohama does not improve on further acquaintance," wrote Isabella Bird in 1878. "It has a dead-alive look. . . . I long to get away into real Japan." She quickly left and went in search of authenticity, complete with its dangers and delights. Bird was a purist to the point of eccentricity, but most...
Feb 27, 2000

The Saito Kinen Orchestra: putting Japan's best on stage

Saito Kinen Orchestra
Feb 27, 2000

Muazaz Kasrawi and Maria Edileuza Reis

Two ladies from countries across the world from each other have come together as cochairwomen for this year's Cherry Blossom Charity Ball. The ball with its featured raffle is a major fundraising event organized each year by the International Ladies Benevolent Society. Money raised is donated directly...
Feb 27, 2000

Israeli play showcases values

Israel's Acco Theatre Center will present the holocaust play "The Anthology: Values for the Next Millennium" in Tokyo and Kyoto.
Feb 27, 2000

Saint days

I wonder how many of you know what famous man was brought up in Henfynyw in Ceredigion, the kingdom of Ceredig. Any Welshman would tell you it was David, patron saint of Wales, who is closely associated with spreading the faith of the Celtic Christian Church. His sermons emphasized joy, faith and discipline....
Feb 26, 2000

The Constitution's honorable origins

Feb 26, 2000

Ex-BayStars scout Ushigome knows talent when he sees it

When it comes to searching the North American major, and minor, leagues for raw talent to bring to Japan, few have the credentials or track record of former Yokohama BayStars scout Tadahiro Ushigome.
Feb 26, 2000

If Taro is really going to speak English

Would you hire a typewriter repairman as a systems analyst? That's sort of what the Japanese Ministry of Education is doing. It set up a committee to study English-education reform that is about as up to date in what's needed to improve English teaching in this country as the poor repairman who thinks...
Feb 26, 2000

Robot art and artful robots

"Robot-ism 1950-2000," an event examining the influence of the robot on art and technology in Japan, will be held in Tokyo through March 2.
Feb 26, 2000

Fair and flea market pot-hunting

"How can I learn more about Japanese pottery?" is a question I'm often asked. The answer is simple: Get out and see as much as you can.
Feb 26, 2000

Religious art meets shamanism

People in the village of Monobe, Kochi Prefecture, nestled deep in the mountains, have passed down from generation to generation a mysterious folk religion that worships paper gods.
Feb 26, 2000

The two faces of local power

A storm of controversy is raging over Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara's Feb. 7 proposal to impose a tax on major banks operating in the metropolis. Despite strong objections raised by central government officials and bankers, Ishihara said he was determined to implement the proposal, which he said was carefully...
Feb 26, 2000

A needle pulling golden thread through time

Western embroidery enjoys worldwide popularity, especially in European countries such as England. But Japan can also boast its very own style of embroidery, Edo shishu (Edo embroidery), which in the past has adorned everything from shubutsu (Buddhist images embroidered on cloth), dashi (festival floats)...
Feb 25, 2000

Beijing's bombast backfires

Subtlety has never been the Chinese government's strong suit. Unfortunately, the government in Beijing has unleashed its latest broadside against Taiwan, which it considers a renegade province, at perhaps the worst possible time: weeks ahead of the island's second democratic presidential election and...
Feb 25, 2000

State panel eyes new corporate tax based on Tokyo's

An advisory panel to the prime minister will consider whether the new method of taxation planned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government could be applied as an across-the-board corporate tax in all prefectures, a senior panel member said Friday. Hiromitsu Ishi, head of the Tax Commission's subpanel on local...
Feb 25, 2000

Defections among coalition partners in Malaysia's ruling National Front strain ties

BY DAVID CHEW Special to The Japan Times SINGAPORE -- The defection of key politicians from one to the other of the two main Chinese components in Malaysia's ruling multiparty coalition has caused bad blood and made the role of mediator difficult for the coalition's Malay leader.
Feb 25, 2000

Tax raises the right issues

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara has presented to the Metropolitan Assembly a bill that would impose a temporary tax on all funds held by major banks operating in the metropolis. The proposed tax, the first of its kind in Japan, stirred mixed reactions nationwide. The Japanese Bankers Association issued...
Feb 25, 2000

Kono hints Dalai Lama will get visa

Foreign Minister Yohei Kono hinted Friday that Japan would issue a visa to the Dalai Lama, saying the spiritual leader's visa application would be screened "according to the due procedures of law." His comments were taken to indicate that Tokyo would not allow any political considerations regarding China-Tibet...
Feb 25, 2000

Lounging in Stereolab's living room

It was very nice of Laetitia Sadier to introduce each song that Stereolab played at Shinjuku Liquid Room Feb. 16. Though normally I find the practice distracting, in this case I was grateful, since the promoter hadn't provided a set list. (Concert reviewers like to give the impression that they know...
Feb 25, 2000

Managed inflation untested, not the answer

With signs of quick economic recovery still nowhere in sight, debate is continuing amid considerable dissension on policy options linked to an inflation target rate.
Feb 25, 2000

Dutch war display given no place to go

Staff writer OSAKA -- One month after an Osaka International Peace Center symposium denying the Nanjing Massacre took place, another controversy over Japan's wartime past is brewing after the center and a Tokyo nursing home rejected an exhibition on the occupation of the Dutch East Indies. The Osaka...
Feb 25, 2000

Work-at-home plan may ease nursing-care responsibilities

As Japanese society grays at an unprecedented pace, the issue of securing a future workforce has become a major worry for companies. During the year beginning in April, when the public nursing care insurance system takes effect, some estimates say roughly 2.7 million people age 65 and over -- one in...
Feb 25, 2000

Origami workshops unfold hidden joys of learning

So often in our examination-dominated education systems, the excitement of learning degenerates into rote learning. Not so in Barbara Pearl's hands-on approach to learning math, where children discover how to estimate the distance of a jumping frog, measure the angles of a paper sailboat and explore...
Feb 25, 2000

Arabian Oil sends chief to Riyadh to make last plea

Arabian Oil Co. President Keiichi Konaga left Friday for Riyadh for last-minute negotiations in an effort to extend his firm's oil concession in a major oil field in the former neutral zone between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. In an attempt to break the deadlock, Konaga is expected to propose an AOC offer...
Feb 25, 2000

End of rugby road for Suntory warrior Ennis

For the past 20 years, Glenn Ennis has loved throwing his weight around the rugby pitch.
Feb 25, 2000

Particulate matter linked to urban lung tumors

Suspended particulate matter found in urban areas where air pollution is severe may be a factor that leads to lung tumors, according to the results of a recent study announced Friday. The study, conducted by researchers at the Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health, used lab rats to...
Feb 24, 2000

Congratulations, but be careful

The United States economy continues its amazing performance. It has just marked the longest economic expansion in the country's history, growing for a record 107 consecutive months. The unemployment rolls are shrinking and inflation is under control. Whatever the explanation -- and there is no good one,...


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free