
LIFE / Style & Design
Mar 16, 2000

Sweet indulgences without the calories

Sugar and spice and everything nice . . . this column and the next will be dedicated to all those readers with a sweet tooth. There is a virtual candy store of recipes for health and beauty which make good use of sugar and other sweets. Honey, sugar and molasses may all be put to the service of your...
JAPAN / Media
Mar 16, 2000

Mercian salutes cluelessness with New Frontier awards

Spring is in the air, and a young publicist's thoughts turn to awards ceremonies. Across the sea, we've seen the Golden Globes and the Grammys, and at the end of the month there's the Oscars.
Mar 16, 2000

Prosecutors search textile firms

Prosecutors on Wednesday searched Toray Industries Inc., Toho Rayon Co. and Mitsubishi Rayon Co. over allegations that the three textile companies illegally agreed to fix prices of carbon fiber in the United States in violation of U.S. antitrust law.
Mar 16, 2000

Record-low pay raises offered in 'shunto' talks

Major corporations' ongoing restructuring measures dealt a heavy blow to workers as the auto, steel, shipbuilding and electrical appliance industries effectively ended their annual spring wage talks Wednesday offering record low pay increases.
Mar 16, 2000

Kawara inspects Atsugi base for dioxin before Cohen lands

Defense Agency chief Tsutomu Kawara carried out an early Wednesday morning inspection at the U.S. Atsugi Naval Air Facility in Kanagawa Prefecture to check on dioxin pollution blamed on a nearby incinerator, in a hastily arranged visit before U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen's arrival in Japan later...
Mar 16, 2000

If only Greenpeace told the truth about whaling

On Nov. 9, 1999, Japan's whale research fleet departed for the Antarctic to begin the 13th year of its research program. The research program involves both a sighting survey whose primary purpose is the estimation of trends in abundance, and a sampling component that involves the take of up to 440 minke...
Mar 15, 2000

Chile's new beginning

In one of his first moves upon taking office last weekend, Chile's new president, Mr. Ricardo Lagos, reopened the presidential palace to the Chilean people. It is a symbolic gesture by the country's first socialist president since former Gen. Augusto Pinochet launched a coup against Salvador Allende...
Mar 15, 2000

Families' savings in '99 averaged 13.93 million yen

Salaried workers' families reported an average balance of 13.93 million yen in savings per household at the end of 1999, up 3 percent from the previous year, with the amount of money invested in stocks showing a substantial increase, an annual government survey released Tuesday showed.
Mar 15, 2000

Panel proposes updated law on defense, peacekeeping

The ruling coalition's panel on national security agreed Tuesday to put in place emergency defense legislation and to allow the Self-Defense Forces and civilians to fully participate in United Nations-led peacekeeping operations.
Mar 15, 2000

More than a pit stop in the Hita of the moment

It may not be on the typical tourist itineraries, and its name may sound almost like a home appliance, but Hita is a lovely town. It sprawls between two highland rivers in a lush valley at the back of Oita Prefecture, surrounded by forests and fruit trees. Hita is just 70 minutes from Fukuoka, and easily...
Mar 15, 2000

Returnee sues Japan for assault

Nearly six years after he was deported, an Iranian man has returned to Japan to testify in court for his damages suit against the state.
Mar 15, 2000

Protect wildlife at dam site: groups

More than 30 environmental groups demanded that the government adequately survey and protect endangered species living near the site of a dam slated to be built on the Kawabe River in southern Kumamoto Prefecture, in a petition submitted Tuesday.
Mar 15, 2000

GMO standards talks kick off amid protests

MAKUHARI, Chiba Pref. -- A four-day conference opened here Tuesday to discuss international standards for genetically modified organisms and foods, bringing together some 300 participants from 36 countries.
Mar 15, 2000

Russian writes about postwar Japanese prisoners

At the end of World War II, Soviet troops imprisoned hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers and civilians in Asia, sending them to labor camps in Siberia. Tens of thousands subsequently died in brutal conditions.
Mar 15, 2000

Death-row inmates can hang if retrial unlikely, Usui says

Justice Minister Hideo Usui said Tuesday that death-row convicts seeking retrials could be executed if their demands for retrials are deemed highly likely to be rejected.
LIFE / Digital / CYBERIA
Mar 15, 2000

Seeds of knowledge

Welcome to the digital revolution, where we crunch numbers, process information and mine data. Maybe we don't get grease under our fingernails, but one wonders how far we've progressed beyond the industrial revolution. Though the metallic cling-clang of factories is rare, isn't there something familiar...
Mar 15, 2000

Back in private hands, LTCB looks to expand

The Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, which has returned to private management after being under state control, is interested in taking over the operations of the failed Tokyo Sowa Bank, its top executive said Tuesday.
Mar 15, 2000

Putting post-Seattle pieces back together

Billed as the most important meeting of the new millennium, the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD X) in Bangkok in mid-February deserved its designation as "mother of all conferences." While it might not have had the cachet of a Davos World Economic Forum, it did not lack for luster and...
Mar 15, 2000

eBay may herald an online revolution

The recent arrival of major U.S. online auction operator eBay Inc. may bring another online revolution to Japan, the world's second-largest Internet market.
Mar 15, 2000

Number of companies going bankrupt climbs 51%

The number of Japanese corporate bankruptcies with liabilities of more than 10 million yen rose 51.1 percent in February from a year earlier to 1,443, a private credit research institute said Tuesday.
Mar 15, 2000

Dental exam questions possibly leaked

Questions to be used in today's state license examination for dentists may have been leaked, the Health and Welfare Ministry revealed Tuesday.
Mar 15, 2000

Coalition leaders agree on police system reform

The leaders of the coalition government agreed on new measures to reform the nation's scandal-tainted police system on Tuesday, during a review of recent police misdemeanors in Kanagawa and Niigata prefectures.
Mar 15, 2000

The marketing that made Japan

ASSEMBLED IN JAPAN: Electrical Goods and the Making of the Japanese Consumer, by Simon Partner. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000, 317 pp., $19.95/12.50 British pounds (paper). I was standing on the corner by the Hachiko exit of Shibuya Station, looking at two giant television screens...
Mar 15, 2000

No way out

Sometimes it seems my mailbox is a place for complaints. Today it is NHK fees. Wednesday's column will consider NTT's high initial charge for phone service. Don't look for ways to avoid the inevitable; your daily life entails certain obligations.
Mar 15, 2000

Fertile soil for Japanese environmentalist groups?

ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS IN JAPAN: Networks of Power and Protest, by Jeffrey Broadbent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, 418 pp., $13.95, (paper). Given Japan's economic growth after World War II -- a period often termed "miraculous" -- it is not surprising that the worst problems of ecological...
Mar 15, 2000

Wild animal tales -- with a pinch of salt

The image of wild animals visiting a salt lick is probably a familiar one to you if you are a regular watcher of television natural history documentaries. The scene is repeated over and over again, as large African or Indian mammals approach this particularly rich source of minerals.
Mar 15, 2000

Afghan heads in Tokyo for peace talks

In a move that marks the resumption of Japan's mediation efforts in the civil war in Afghanistan, leaders of the country's two rival factions have been in Tokyo for secret talks with Japanese officials, diplomatic sources said Tuesday.


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free