
Mar 22, 2000

When bankrupt is better

Rarely does good news come so poorly packaged. Thailand's biggest corporate debtor, Thai Petrochemical Industry, was declared insolvent last week by a Thai bankruptcy court. Oddly enough, that is a welcome development. The decision allows creditors to take over the company, restructure it and get back...
Mar 22, 2000

Aum firms concealed income

Two personal computer-related companies affiliated with Aum Shinrikyo failed to declare some 700 million yen in taxable income in 1997 and 1998, sources said Tuesday.
Mar 22, 2000

'Knock' admits in court he molested college coed

OSAKA -- Former Osaka Gov. "Knock" Yokoyama pleaded guilty Tuesday to molesting a 21-year-old woman inside a campaign van last April and admitted he had repeatedly lied in denying the charges.
Mar 22, 2000

BOJ must convince market of commitment

The dollar fell below 105 yen at one time last week, prompting the Bank of Japan to step in again.
Mar 22, 2000

More female politicians key to gender equality, Swedish politician says

Increasing the number of female politicians may be the key to encouraging Japanese women to continue working after marriage and creating a gender-equal society in Japan, Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Lena Hjelm-Wallen said.
Mar 22, 2000

'Knock' admission angers trial watchers

OSAKA -- Former Osaka Gov. "Knock" Yokoyama's admission of guilt Tuesday in the opening session of his trial on molestation charges inflamed Osaka's citizens, many of whom flocked to the polls just last April to re-elect the popular comedian-turned-politician.
Mar 22, 2000

The CDU's new image

Reeling from financing scandals that threaten former Chancellor Helmut Kohl with criminal prosecution, Germany's Christian Democrats have turned to Ms. Angela Merkel to cleanse the party. It is a gamble, but it could pay off.
Mar 22, 2000

LDP forces pension bills further

Ignoring protests from the opposition bloc and pensioners, the ruling triumvirate on Tuesday rammed through an Upper House committee a package of bills that is supposed to save the nation's nearly bankrupt pension system.
Mar 22, 2000

Ministers learn meaning of 'barrier-free society'

Transportation Minister Toshihiro Nikai and Posts and Telecommunications Minister Eita Yashiro visited a train station in Tokyo's Kita Ward Tuesday to get the feel of a barrier-free society.
Mar 22, 2000

Haneda eyed for nighttime international flights

The Transport Ministry set up an internal panel Tuesday to study the possibility of late-night and early-morning international flights at Tokyo's Haneda airport, Transport Minister Toshihiro Nikai said.
Mar 22, 2000

Fisher intent on pushing shift to information age

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Richard Fisher expressed his determination Tuesday to work with Japan in hammering out a new set of deregulatory measures this week that will help its people embrace the Internet.
Mar 22, 2000

0.2% increase in capital spending seen

Major Japanese corporations are planning to invest 0.2 percent more on equipment in fiscal 2000, the first increase in four years, the government-affiliated Development Bank of Japan said Tuesday.
Mar 22, 2000

Chinese naval ships on rise near Japan

The number of Chinese naval vessels found in Japan's exclusive economic waters increased sharply this fiscal year, the Maritime Self-Defense Force announced Tuesday.
LIFE / Travel
Mar 22, 2000

Oberland -- garden of springtime delights

In the western part of Hyogo Prefecture, nestled among broadleaf deciduous forests at the foot of Mount Hyo-no-sen (1,510 meters), lies Oberland Garden (also known as Tajima Kogen Botanical Garden). First opened to the public in June 1997, Oberland has a total area of 17 hectares, and boasts over 1,300...
Mar 22, 2000

Minami Securities declared bankrupt by Tokyo court

The Tokyo District Court on Tuesday declared Minami Securities Co. bankrupt and issued a formal order barring creditors of the small brokerage from seizing its assets.
Mar 22, 2000

Clinton's opportunities in South Asia

ISLAMABAD -- U.S. President Bill Clinton will travel to Pakistan on March 25, on the last leg of his South Asian journey, which began last Sunday. But the few hours he plans to spend in Islamabad may represent more than just a passing phase in Washington's new diplomacy in South Asia.
Mar 22, 2000

Toyota holding company set for June

Toyota Motor Corp. will establish a holding company in June under which affiliated financial companies will offer a wide range of financial services, company officials said Tuesday.
Mar 22, 2000

China faces democracy bug

LONDON -- Taiwan's transition to democracy is complete. On Saturday, after half a century of rule by the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), the offshore island's 15 million voters elected a president from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, Chen Shui-bian. "I feel very, very badly about this,"...
LIFE / Food & Drink
Mar 22, 2000

Chinois chic in Tokyo's 'experimental' cyber cafe

Can't be bothered with waitresses? Not in the mood for a menu? Just want to grab a hot beverage and snack, plug in and kick back?
Mar 22, 2000

Palm pilots into Japanese market

The head of a new Japanese subsidiary of California-based Palm Inc. sees Japan as a potentially lucrative market for its hand-held computers.
LIFE / Travel
Mar 22, 2000

Dejima getting back into shape

First-time visitors to Dejima, Nagasaki's historic artificial island, are usually puzzled on arrival. Looking around for water, they find only a kitsch scale model of the island and several oldish buildings. Although Dejima's front sea wall looks authentic enough, landfills have gradually enclosed the...
Mar 22, 2000

NTT then and now

Last week's column dealt with NHK's fees and why we should pay them. Similarly, there are complaints from readers about paying the initial 72,000 yen plus 2,184 yen consumption tax and 800 yen contract charge to NTT for the standard telephone installation fee. None of this amount is refundable although...
Mar 22, 2000

Leprosy victims demand compensation for injustices

For the past 60 years, 76-year-old Koji Suzuki's life has been contained within a sanitarium for sufferers of leprosy in Kusatsu, Gunma Prefecture.
LIFE / Digital / CYBERIA
Mar 22, 2000

Won't be fooled again

When asked about the dot-com economy, Tim Dyson was succinct and acid -- almost contemptuous. "There's only one metric," he said. "Stock price."
Mar 22, 2000

Nursing-care plan to get simplified start

The new state-run, nursing-care insurance system for the elderly that takes effect April 1 will begin with simplified "care plans" because the full-fledged programs are not ready, Health and Welfare Ministry officials said Tuesday.
Mar 21, 2000

Fighting for the global commons

Protecting the environment is always a popular issue -- until hard choices have to be made. There has been a series of international conferences on the issue, but they have yielded little real progress. In Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and in Kyoto in 1997, attempts to set international standards for environmental...
Mar 21, 2000

Taka rebounds to beat Musoyama; Takatoriki stays perfect in Osaka

OSAKA -- Yokozuna Takanohana returned to form Monday with an impressive victory over Musoyama, while rank-and-file grappler Takatoriki remained unbeaten on the ninth day of the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament.
Mar 21, 2000

Myanmar's SPDC signals economic, not political, reforms

Myanmar's military regime is stubborn as a mule. It continues to ignore loud calls from much of the international community to democratize and protect human rights.


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free