
May 3, 2000

Nicaragua to get more ODA after leader's visit

Japan and Nicaragua will agree next week to conclude a treaty aimed at facilitating Japanese technical cooperation to help the impoverished Latin American country rebuild its economy, government sources said Tuesday.
May 3, 2000

Kyoei sounding out Prudential

Compiled from staff and wire reports Ailing Kyoei Life Insurance Co. is negotiating with Prudential Insurance Co. of the United States on a capital tieup, Kyoei Life officials said Tuesday.
LIFE / Travel
May 3, 2000

Historic city is picture perfect

A tattered red lantern swings back and forth on a rusty hook outside Densuke, a small, family-run pub-restaurant on Shiokaze Street. The name of the street means salt breeze, and inside Densuke a gregarious, decidedly "salty" bunch of customers sit on sagging tatami mats whose surfaces, like rough hessian,...
May 3, 2000

Toshiba eyes AOL-Time Warner tieup

Toshiba Corp. has started talks with America Online Inc., the world's largest Internet service provider, on tieup possibilities with the new firm to be created through its merger with Time Warner Inc., industry sources said Tuesday.
May 2, 2000

Needed: a breath of fresh air

Urban traffic is far below its usual level during this holiday-filled Golden Week period. On good days with fair skies, the public has the chance, as welcome as it is unexpected, for a foretaste of the cleaner air that is promised by tough new control measures for diesel engine-exhaust pollution soon...
May 2, 2000

'Manga' role-playing draws date-seeking 'otaku' together

The model who goes by the alias Ai O-totsu, or Bumpy Love, is dressed in the crimson high school uniform of her video game personality today, but instead of acting out pubescent fantasies on the computer screen like her electronic double, she's posing for pictures, smiling bashfully and giving out name...
May 2, 2000

Daiichi Mutual ordered to shut down

The Financial Supervisory Agency ordered financially troubled Daiichi Mutual Fire & Marine Insurance Co. to suspend its operations Monday. It is the first bankruptcy in the nation's nonlife insurance sector.
May 2, 2000

Bedridden Takeshita to quit politics

Ailing former Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita, the behind-the-scenes kingmaker of the Liberal Democratic Party, announced through a recorded message Monday that he will retire from politics for health reasons.
May 2, 2000

3.7 million yen donated to charities

The 1999 Japan Times Readers' Fund last month distributed 3,724,958 yen to seven organizations, including three new ones, to help finance projects for refugees and children and other non-Japanese in need.
May 2, 2000

Venture to guarantee e-payments

Itochu Corp., Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank and others will establish a joint venture in June to provide payment guarantees for e-commerce transactions concluded between corporate clients, Itochu said Monday.
May 2, 2000

Matsuzaka, five others named to Olympic team

Seibu pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka and Orix BlueWave outfielder So Taguchi were among six professionals formally announced by the Pacific League on Monday to take part in the baseball tournament of the Sydney Olympics.
May 2, 2000

Effects of reshuffle to linger

The 225-issue Nikkei average's recent reshuffle could continue to unsettle the Tokyo stock market for a while.
May 2, 2000

A quest for human rights

ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan's military ruler, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, has launched a drive to improve his country's human rights.
May 2, 2000

Stop this madness!

I'm currently reading Ichiro Ozawa's "Blueprint for a New Japan," his manifesto for giving the government and politicians of this country the kick up the backside they badly need.
May 2, 2000

Panel warns against early English study

An Education Ministry advisory panel has warned against introducing foreign language studies too early, arguing that concentrating on the study of Japanese until around age 10 is essential to master the mother tongue, it was learned Monday.
May 2, 2000

Punkers united will never be divided

It's three in the morning at the livehouse Gig-Antic in Shibuya and as the girl band launches into the first song a skinhead leaps on stage, screams "Manchester United" into a mike and dives headfirst into the mosh pit. He's caught by a studded-leather-clad kid with a yellow mohawk, a skate-punk in baggy...
May 2, 2000

Asian Wall Street Journal goes bilingual

Competition in the newspaper industry is intensifying, and The Asian Wall Street Journal, as part of efforts to woo more readers in Japan, is addressing the challenge with a new look that started with its April 3 editions.
May 2, 2000

Natural genki drink fuels aerial pollinators

For most of our planet's mind-numbingly long history of around 4.6 billion years, the most complex life form on Earth was the prokaryotic cell. The ghostly signatures of these simple cells without nuclei first appear in rocks dated to about 3.75 billion years ago. The length of their nearly 2-billion-year...
May 2, 2000

Labor chief a no-show at May Day fete

An estimated 1.7 million people took part in May Day rallies at some 1,070 locations nationwide Monday, calling on the government to alleviate the worsening employment situation and protect workers' rights, but the labor minister was conspicuously absent from the festivities.
May 2, 2000

Kin connect with long-lost mariner

When 94-year-old Californian John Ramsay was asked by his daughter-in-law if there was anything he wanted to do before he died, he said yes.
May 2, 2000

Everything about Tanizaki

TANIZAKI IN WESTERN LANGUAGES: A Bibliography of Translations and Studies, by Adriana Boscaro, with a list of films based on Tanizaki's works compiled by Maria Roberta Novielli. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan, 2000, 82 pp., $19.95. This fine bibliography is one...
May 2, 2000

Norinchukin plotting 401(k) course

If farmers want to join Japan's equivalent of U.S. 401(k) pension plans, there is no reason why agricultural cooperatives should not provide related services.
May 2, 2000

New products on the market

Toyota Motor Corp. has unveiled a fuel-efficient, full-size luxury sedan that features a spacious interior and luggage area.


Capsule hotels were created as a way to deal with the amount of overwork employees tend to do in Japan. Can't commute home? Then spend the night in an tiny, affordable sleeping space.
Japan wakes up to the market for a proper sleep