
May 14, 2000

Winds of change on Korean Peninsula

Following the June 12-14 North-South Korea summit in Pyongyang, there will be one sure way to tell if the proceedings have been even moderately successful.
May 14, 2000

Adjusting traditions

Before we get too far from the holidays, I wonder how many of you were aware of yet another dilemma for Japanese trying to follow traditions in a world where they no longer fit. Among the most spectacular sights of Golden Week that we are suppose to see are the carp streamers hoisted on long poles and...
May 14, 2000

Ex-garbage man bags career as pro caddie

If Jeff Mulberry has any aspirations beyond the odd hole in one, it is to lead as uncomplicated a life as possible. His needs are modest and his interests narrowing down as he focuses on pro golf. Not that he has his eye set on being a winning player, but rather on being the best caddie that friendship,...
May 13, 2000

A first step in electoral reform

With the passage of a bill amending the flawed Public Offices Election Law, the next Lower House election -- which most likely will be held late in June -- promises to be a fairer one. The current system, which was used for the first time in the 1996 Lower House election, is a combination of single-member...
May 13, 2000

Showa Day joins lineup

The Golden Week holidays have been consolidated by legislation passed Friday that moves Greenery Day to May 4 from May 29 and renames April 29 "Showa Day," in memory of the late Emperor Showa.
May 13, 2000

North Korea seen emerging

Japan, South Korea and the United States in a joint statement Friday praised North Korea for opening bilateral dialogue with all three nations following the Stalinist state's agreement to hold the first-ever inter-Korean summit in June.
May 13, 2000

EPA slightly upgrades economic assessment

The Economic Planning Agency on Friday slightly upgraded its assessment of the domestic economy, saying it is continuing to improve moderately due largely to increased corporate activity.
May 13, 2000

Democracy hangs in the balance in Iran

BEIRUT -- "For God's sake, tell me, is Islam a religion of violence or not?" begged a reader recently in the question-and-answer column of Musharekat, mouthpiece of the reformist forces headed by Iranian President Mohammad Khatami's brother Mohammad-Reza.
May 13, 2000

Yearlong campaign to showcase Italy

Hoping to increase awareness that Italy is more than just a tourist destination, a yearlong promotion comprising various exhibitions across Japan will be launched next March, the promoters announced Friday.
May 13, 2000

Mori reports assets totaling 130 million yen

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori owned some 130 million yen in personal and family assets as of April 5, the day his Cabinet was launched, according to government data released Friday.
May 13, 2000

Plan sets 15-minute limit to report atomic incident

The government plans to oblige nuclear plant workers to report accidents above certain levels within 15 minutes to bodies including the Prime Minister's Office and the Science and Technology Agency, it was announced Friday.
May 13, 2000

Vast Hawaii telescope out of service

The Subaru telescope, one of the world's biggest, has been out of service for the past two months due to damage to its mirror supports, officials of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan said Friday.
May 13, 2000

Man held to facilitate state appeal

A Nepalese man detained by order of the Tokyo High Court -- despite being acquitted last month of a 1997 murder -- is being held in order to facilitate appeal hearings, the court said Friday.
May 13, 2000

A layman's view of the ADB meeting

CHIANG MAI, Thailand -- A high-profile meeting of ministers, financiers and bankers at a venue known as the cultural capital of Thailand represented quite a change here last week. The 33rd annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank's Board of Governors was not only a novelty for exotic Chiang Mai,...
May 13, 2000

Bolivia, Slovakia set for Kirin Cup

Bolivia and Slovakia will join Japan in next month's Kirin Cup soccer tournament, the Japan Football Association announced Friday.
May 13, 2000

Era of abundance sparks religious revival

WASHINGTON -- American history abounds with apparent contradictions, but few loom as large as this: We are a people wedded simultaneously to materialism and spirituality, mostly (though not exclusively) religious. In a recent Gallup poll, 61 percent of Americans said religion is "very important" in their...
May 13, 2000

Diet passes new laws designed to protect victims of crime

The Diet enacted a package of legislation Friday to protect for the first time the rights of people victimized by crime in Japan.
May 13, 2000

Tigers maul Yomiuri Giants 12-3

Jason Hardtke and Tsuyoshi Shinjo drove in three runs each Friday and Keiichi Yabu tossed seven-plus innings as the Hanshin Tigers mauled the Yomiuri Giants 12-3 at Koshien Stadium.
May 13, 2000

Panel looks to ease new tax burden on small firms

The Tax Commission's subpanel on local corporate taxation wrapped up re-examination of its new local corporate-tax proposal Friday, adding a few technical ideas to its earlier report released last July.
May 13, 2000

Tate residency builds a cultural bridge

Johnnie Walker, a self-declared champion of the avant-garde, has made big strides through the Tokyo art scene. For many years Walker, through his foundation Za Moca, has made it his purpose to support artists in various ways, from monthly parties to celebrate artists exhibiting in Tokyo, through accommodation...
May 13, 2000

Cyclist on 11-year 'peace tour'

Pushker Shah knows the road to peace is not a smooth one.
May 13, 2000

Hospital serves up meals with hormone disrupters

At least one hospital in Japan serves meals containing a high concentration of diethyl hexyl phthalate, a substance believed to adversely affect the reproductive systems of animals, a group of researchers announced Friday.
May 13, 2000

NEC drags itself back into the black

NEC Corp. is back in the black after posting 30.2 billion yen in consolidated pretax profit for the business year that ended March 31, the major computer and chip manufacturer reported Friday.
May 13, 2000

Honda reports decline in pretax profit and sales

Honda Motor Co. on Friday reported the first declines in six years in both pretax profit and sales on a consolidated basis for fiscal 1999, due chiefly to the yen's appreciation and rising costs of research and development.
May 13, 2000

Celebrating the cream of Japanese pottery

Believe it or not, a new museum has opened in Japan. In the midst of hearing about this or that institution shutting its doors for good it's refreshing to hear of one opening its doors for the first time, especially one entirely devoted to pottery.
May 13, 2000

Machinery orders mark third month of decline

Private-sector machinery orders in Japan, excluding volatile orders for ships and from power companies, fell 4.9 percent in March from February after seasonal adjustment, marking their third consecutive month of decline, the Economic Planning Agency said Friday.
May 13, 2000

DDI-IDO team to use U.S. tech

Avoiding what could have triggered further trade friction with the United States, the DDI Corp. group companies and IDO Corp. on Friday jointly submitted an application to launch in 2002 next-generation cellular phone services based on technologies developed by a U.S.-based firm.


Capsule hotels were created as a way to deal with the amount of overwork employees tend to do in Japan. Can't commute home? Then spend the night in an tiny, affordable sleeping space.
Japan wakes up to the market for a proper sleep