
Jul 13, 2000

Will Arafat follow Sadat?

BEIRUT -- It will be something less than a miracle if U.S. President Bill Clinton does achieve the high purpose he has set himself in summoning Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to Camp David: an end to conflict between Arab and Jew in Palestine. After all, it won't...
Jul 13, 2000

It's Karl Marx vs. Jackie Chan, and the old, fat guy wins

CITY ON FIRE: Hong Kong Cinema, by Lisa Odham Stokes and Michael Hoover. London: Verso, Sept. 1999, 372 pp., $22 (paper). It began as a buzzing, multicultural confusion. The year is 1909. Hong Kong's cinema is born with a silent effort titled "Stealing the Roasted Duck." It is the handiwork of Liang...
Japan Times
Jul 13, 2000

Giang's, Cyclo: Far away, yet so close to Hanoi

It's getting to be that time of year when it feels as if this part of Japan has been towed down to Southeast Asia and temporarily moored somewhere in the Mekong Delta. If only that were so. For us it's not the muggy weather and tropical downpours that we complain about -- it's the dearth of creative,...
Jul 13, 2000

Security role a two-edged sword but U.S. keeping lower profile

CHATAN, Okinawa Pref. -- It's an early Tuesday evening at Morgan's, a popular bar along Gate Two Road, and the mood is festive.
LIFE / Food & Drink / NIHONSHU
Jul 13, 2000

Compulsories of sake keeps brewers in top form

Last month, I gave an overview of the Shinshu Kanpyokai, the national new-sake tasting competition held each spring, and its logistics. Here is a look at what kind of sake wins, and what the big deal is about anyway.
Jul 13, 2000

New justice minister urges changes to Juvenile Law

With the recent spate of serious crimes committed by minors heightening concerns about juvenile issues, revisions to the Juvenile Law are necessary and must be completed as early as possible, newly appointed Justice Minister Okiharu Yasuoka said.
Jul 12, 2000

Snow Brand pays the price

All attempts so far by Snow Brand Milk Products Co. have failed to deal satisfactorily with the mass food-poisoning outbreak caused by bacterial contamination at the company's Osaka production facility. In the two weeks since the outbreak was first detected, over 13,000 people in nine prefectures in...
Jul 12, 2000

Four arrested in tax evasion case

Prosecutors on Tuesday arrested two business consultants and an accountant on suspicion of illegally advising clients on how to evade taxes, as well as one of their clients on suspicion of evading over 250 million yen in corporate tax.
Jul 12, 2000

Cabinet urged to help with Mori's 'Japan rebirth plan'

Economic Planning Agency chief Taichi Sakaiya asked other Cabinet members Tuesday to study measures to bring about Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori's "Japan rebirth plan."
Jul 12, 2000

Education key to closing IT gap: OECD

Developing countries should not use the digital divide as an excuse to relax efforts to catch up with the information technology revolution, according to a senior official of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Jul 12, 2000

Is Okinawa museum rewriting history?

ITOMAN, Okinawa Pref. -- Stepping out of the dark exhibit room, visitors to the new Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum are overwhelmed by a view of the ocean bright blue under a blazing sun.
Jul 12, 2000

APEC plans Internet site to advance flow of trade

Staff writer
Jul 12, 2000

Sister of missing British hostess flies in for search

The sister of a 21-year-old woman who went missing in Tokyo nearly two weeks ago is working with the British Embassy and the Japanese police in an attempt to locate her sibling.
Jul 12, 2000

Morita mulls new airport, defends works outlays

The Transport Ministry will review Narita airport in Chiba Prefecture and Tokyo's Haneda Airport with an eye to possible construction of a third airport in the metropolis, newly appointed Transport Minister Hajime Morita said.
Jul 12, 2000

Snow recycled milk into 'new' products

OSAKA -- Snow Brand Milk Products Co.'s Osaka plant, where a valve contaminated with bacteria has been linked to a massive outbreak of food poisoning, recycled milk products that were returned from stores to make "new" products, according to the Osaka Municipal Government.
Jul 12, 2000

Business leaders agree NTT fees too high

The Japan-U.S. Business Conference ended Tuesday, with business leaders from the two nations adopting a statement urging a "substantial and prompt reduction in interconnection rates" charged by the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. group.
Jul 12, 2000

Okinawans grew up with U.S. military, differ on acceptance

Staff writer
Jul 12, 2000

Sogo rescue package will remain as is: FRC

Financial authorities are not considering, at present, reviewing a controversial bailout plan for Sogo Co., the Financial Reconstruction Commission chairman said Tuesday.
Jul 12, 2000

EU proposes stronger HCFC restrictions

The European Union has proposed stronger restrictions for developing countries on the production of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), one of the alternatives to ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), government sources said Tuesday.
Jul 12, 2000

Parties agree on extraordinary Diet session

The seven major political parties agreed Tuesday to convene a 13-day extraordinary Diet session from July 28, the parties' Diet affairs chiefs said.
Jul 12, 2000

Kiyohara clouts 400th homer as Giants destroy Carp 18-3

Kazuhiro Kiyohara went 3-for-4 with four RBIs and notched his 400th career homer with a solo blast in the third inning as the Central League frontrunning Yomiuri Giants ripped the Hiroshima Carp 18-3 on Tuesday at Sapporo's Maruyama Stadium.
Jul 12, 2000

Going native in postage-stamp gardens

Many remember COP3. The international environmental meeting took place in the beautiful surroundings of Kyoto's International Conference Center in the early autumn of 1997.
Jul 12, 2000

OSE to liquidate dubious affiliates

OSAKA -- The Osaka Securities Exchange will speed up its disposal of eight affiliated companies that were allegedly established without proper authorization or involved in dubious cash flows, OSE officials said Tuesday.
LIFE / Travel
Jul 12, 2000

A taste of the good life in Izu

SHIMODA, Shizuoka Pref. -- There is no shortage of ryokan in Izu. The hot springs run unbroken down the coast from Atami to the tip of the peninsula, and some towns seem to have more onsen than houses.
LIFE / Travel
Jul 12, 2000

Time travel in downtown Seoul

As a resident of Japan, one might be forgiven for assuming that the South Korean film industry is nearly nonexistent, considering the scarcity of offerings here. In fact, South Korean media production is prolific, but it sometimes takes an unexpected circumstance to bring this into clear focus.
Jul 12, 2000

Koreans granted redress for wartime forced labor

A Japanese machine-toolmaker has reached a settlement with three South Koreans who served as forced laborers during World War II based on recommendations handed down by the Supreme Court, company sources said Tuesday.


Capsule hotels were created as a way to deal with the amount of overwork employees tend to do in Japan. Can't commute home? Then spend the night in an tiny, affordable sleeping space.
Japan wakes up to the market for a proper sleep