
Sep 7, 2000

Buddhist icon left 3 billion yen estate

Nikkyo Niwano, cofounder of Rissho Koseikai, Japan's second-largest lay Buddhist organization, left a taxable estate worth 2.954 billion yen following his death last year, it was learned Tuesday.
Sep 7, 2000

DaimlerChrysler seeks bigger MMC stake

DaimlerChrysler AG is likely to increase its proposed stake in Mitsubishi Motors Corp. to between 36 percent and 38 percent from the originally planned 34 percent, sources close to negotiations between the German-U.S. auto giant and the scandal-hit Japanese automaker said Wednesday.
Sep 7, 2000

Sumitomo sells coal mine concession

Sumitomo Corp. said Wednesday wholly owned Australian subsidiary Sumisho Coal Development Pty. Ltd. has agreed in principle to sell 100 percent of its coal mining concession to two corporations based in Australia.
Sep 7, 2000

Detention OK'd for Yamamoto

The Tokyo District Court on Wednesday approved a prosecutors' request to detain House of Representatives member Joji Yamamoto and his secretary for 10 days until Sept. 15.
Sep 7, 2000

Dream Team foes face mission impossible

I left Team USA's practice on Tuesday with one lingering thought: poor Angola. At the time, I didn't even know exactly where Angola was (it turns out it's just north of Namibia along the Rio Cunene, if that helps any). But here's what I already knew about the country: It has a basketball team that's...
Sep 7, 2000

Matsui's HR's lead Giants over Carp

Hideki Matsui belted a pair of homers including a two-run clout in the bottom of the ninth inning Wednesday to power the Yomiuri Giants 5-3 over the Hiroshima Carp.
Sep 7, 2000

Kids as young as 14 face criminal trials

The ruling bloc has agreed to lower the age at which juvenile offenders become eligible for criminal punishment from 16 to 14 in its proposal to revise the Juvenile Law, party sources said.
Sep 7, 2000

Gore presidency could be a taxing time

WASHINGTON -- In U.S. Vice President Al Gore's mind, nothing is riskier than letting taxpayers keep more of their money. Which makes his election the riskiest action U.S. voters could take.
Sep 7, 2000

Nursing plan created 12,000 jobs: industry group

The government's wage-subsidy program for nursing-care workers, launched in April when the state-run nursing-care insurance system for the elderly began, helped create about 12,000 new jobs through July, an industry group said Wednesday.
Sep 7, 2000

Seeding philosophy in the rice paddies

The zapping racket of cicadas rising and falling, undulating in and out of sync wakes me up soon after sunrise. Although it's not yet 7 a.m., the thick, steamy heat pours in through the open window in waves, and seems fused into one substance with the yazz and clatter of the insects.
Sep 7, 2000

Tattoos: painful to acquire, but even harder to remove

More and more people are getting tattoos, so perhaps it is not surprising that more and more people are getting tattoos removed.
Sep 7, 2000

Law urged to curb diesel car emissions

Particulate matter emissions from diesel-powered automobiles should be included in a law to control nitrogen oxide air pollution if urban air quality needs to be brought to an acceptable level, according to an Environment Agency advisory committee.
Sep 7, 2000

China blocks disarmament

NEW DELHI — U.S. President Bill Clinton's weekend announcement to delay a decision on deployment of the U.S. national missile defense system will do little to end the gridlock at the United Nations' main disarmament body, the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. The CD has been without work for four...
Sep 7, 2000

Fiesta Mexicana kicks off Sept. 15

Under the auspices of the Mexican Embassy, Fiesta Mexicana 2000 in Odaiba will be held at the Aqua City complex Sept. 15-17.
LIFE / Travel
Sep 7, 2000

Cambodia feeds a hunger to learn

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- "A young man applied for a scholarship to go and study in Australia," says Helen Cherry, director of the Australian Center for Education, Cambodia. "His English was very good, and I asked him where he had studied. He replied 'By windows.'
Sep 7, 2000

Educational TV: PTA knows best?

The Data Watching section of the Sept. 7 issue of Dime contains the results of various unrelated surveys regarding the current state of parent-child relationships. In addition to questionnaire answers about corporal punishment and what constitutes bad behavior, there is a list compiled by the Japan PTA...
Sep 7, 2000

Miyake evacuees move into new housing

About 130 evacuees from Miyake Island moved into public housing Wednesday after spending three nights at the Miyake evacuation headquarters in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward.
Sep 6, 2000

Slow progress toward a peace treaty

To no one's surprise, Japan and Russia were unable to reach agreement on a peace treaty during this week's visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Even though Mr. Putin's predecessor, Mr. Boris Yeltsin, agreed at a summit three years ago to conclude a treaty by the end of this year, the distance between...
Sep 6, 2000

Mongolian yurts opened to Tottori campers

Sep 6, 2000

Steelmakers combine on streamlining effort

NKK Corp. and Kawasaki Steel Corp. said Tuesday they have agreed to cooperate in rationalizing their distribution, repairs and purchases of materials in an effort to save 10 billion yen.
Sep 6, 2000

Keidanren to send business mission to Russia

In response to an invitation from Russian President Vladimir Putin, Takashi Imai, chairman of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren), said Tuesday the group will send a business mission to Russia by the end of June.
Sep 6, 2000

Japan Energy to reorganize subsidiaries for competition

Japan Energy Corp. will consolidate and reorganize its four engineering subsidiaries an effort to reinforce their competitive edge, the major Japanese oil refiner and distributor announced Tuesday.
Sep 6, 2000

Mori, Putin make little progress

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and Russian President Vladimir Putin concluded their two-day summit in Tokyo on Tuesday, agreeing to continue peace treaty negotiations toward the yearend deadline but with a territorial dispute stuck at an impasse.
Sep 6, 2000

LDP looks to change the rules ahead of Upper House election

Liberal Democratic Party members of the House of Councilors agreed Tuesday to demand that the proportional representation section of the chamber's electoral system be revised so that voters cast ballots for candidates on party lists rather than for the parties themselves, LDP officials said.
Sep 6, 2000

Campaign for Kansai International launched

OSAKA -- Five Kansai-based business groups announced Tuesday that they will jointly launch an "airport campaign" supporting Kansai International Airport Co. to raise its competitiveness among international airports in Asia.


Capsule hotels were created as a way to deal with the amount of overwork employees tend to do in Japan. Can't commute home? Then spend the night in an tiny, affordable sleeping space.
Japan wakes up to the market for a proper sleep