
Oct 15, 2000

Rexroth revolution comes home to Japan

Yokohama-based essayist and poet Morgan Gibson has been and continues to be one of the most prolific contributors to Japan's English literary scene. Of his own work he had poems published in the 1970s in pioneering journals like One Mind and Kyoto Review and later, in the '80s, in publications like Blue...
Oct 15, 2000

Ercilia Chiaradia

Ercilia Chiaradia says she could talk forever about Argentina. The wife of the Argentine ambassador to Japan comes from Buenos Aires, capital city that opens out upon one of the largest ports in the world. City born and bred, Ercilia has a wide background in Argentina, the wedge-shaped country that occupies...
Oct 15, 2000

India shooting itself in the foot

During a recent trip to India, the heretical thought took hold that ardent nationalists can be de facto anti-nationals.
Oct 15, 2000

Lapentti, Schalken book spots in Japan Open tennis final

With the top three seeds out of contention, it was left to the fourth seed, Ecuador's Nicolas Lapentti, to lead the way into the final of the Japan Open tennis tournament on Saturday, and the world No. 16 duly obliged with a clinical 6-3, 6-4 victory over Slovakia's Dominik Hrbaty.
Japan Times
Oct 15, 2000

Honesty is JAL president's policy

Entranced by the view from the windows of an executive meeting room on the 24th floor of the headquarters of Japan Airlines in Tokyo's Tennozu Isle, I almost missed the entrance of JAL's president, Isao Kaneko. Luckily he is not the kind of man to take offense. Slightly built, in a pale gray suit, he...
Oct 15, 2000

Indian dance tours Japan

Oct 15, 2000

Where do the Japanese stand today?

A malaise is abroad in Japan and that malaise is apathy and hopelessness. Ever since the Meiji era -- 1868-1912 -- when the modern state of Japan was established and developed, the one thing that the Japanese people imbued their national effort, their prodigious diligence, with was a sense of hope: that...
Oct 15, 2000

Raising Japan's children the right way

The birth and development of a child is the product of genetic and parental, natal, familial and sociocultural factors.
Oct 15, 2000

Japan 'has never apologized': Zhu

Visiting Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji stated Saturday that Japan has never officially apologized to the Chinese people for its wartime aggression and said he wants the Japanese people to consider that fact.
Oct 15, 2000

Hawks pitcher Fujii passes away at 31

Daiei Hawks pitcher Masao Fujii died at a Fukuoka hospital Friday. He was 31, three days short of his 32nd birthday. Fujii had been hospitalized at the National Kyushu Medical Center for interstitial pneumonia.
Oct 15, 2000

Dry, irreverent, Dutch design booms

The Dutch have been irreverent for years, but now the world is catching on to their specific kind of creative daring -- Rem Koolhaas has a stranglehold on architecture, Droog design leads in product design and nothing could be cooler than Victor and Rolf in fashion or the man who nurtured the scene,...
Oct 15, 2000

Olympic success puts Sydney at the top

SYDNEY -- So you liked watching the world's best-ever Olympic Games? Wait, there's more. Hold that remote control for the next sports extravaganza from Australia, the Sydney 2000 Paralympics.
Oct 15, 2000

Student orchestras show off their skills on Tokyo's top stages

Two important music schools recently presented performances in Tokyo. Both were intent on providing their students an opportunity to perform in a world-class concert hall before a sophisticated concert audience. The differences between their performances were cultural rather than artistic.
Oct 15, 2000

Here she is . . . Miss Stereotype

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Miss America Pageant may aim to represent the ideal of U.S. womanhood, but it's got its problems; it's about as internally conflicted as Al Gore trying to act like respects George W. Bush's intelligence.
Oct 15, 2000

Roll out the mauve carpet and put the sake on ice

When I heard that the ambassador of Haiti and a voodoo priest would be visiting my house, I rushed around in a flurry to get things ready. After all, how often do you have an ambassador and a voodoo priest in your house at the same time?
Oct 14, 2000

Tread carefully with Pyongyang

The United States and North Korea do not have diplomatic relations. Technically, they are still at war. That has not stopped them from negotiating important issues, but the lack of an official relationship has complicated already difficult talks. Now, however, the two countries are moving toward reconciliation....
Oct 14, 2000

Foot-cult followers file damages lawsuit

A group of 46 people filed a lawsuit Friday against the Honohana Sanpogyo foot-reading cult, demanding the sect pay around 400 million yen in compensation for allegedly swindling money from them.
Oct 14, 2000

Lions pitcher faces scrutiny of prosecutors

Police on Friday sent papers to public prosecutors on Seibu Lions pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka, accusing him of driving a car without a valid license last month in Tokyo and of other traffic offenses, they said.
Oct 14, 2000

Executive's home searched in connection with Blackman case

Investigators on Friday continued to search the home of an executive in connection with the case of missing British bar hostess Lucie Blackman, who disappeared in July.
Oct 14, 2000

Voting rights legislation hit by Chongryun brass

A senior official of the pro-Pyongyang General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryun) on Friday said he opposes a legislative plan to grant limited voting rights to permanent foreign residents, describing the rights as foreigners' interference in Japanese domestic affairs.
Oct 14, 2000

Step up efforts to combat economic crime: ministry

The Justice Ministry urged the government Friday to step up efforts to combat economic crimes, pointing to numerous "uncertain elements" in the unpredictable and still-fragile economic recovery that may make such crimes easier to perpetrate.
Oct 14, 2000

Ruling bloc railroads contentious voting bill

The ruling triumvirate railroaded a contentious bill to revise the electoral system Friday by voting on it at an Upper House committee amid an opposition boycott.
Oct 14, 2000

King's not dead, long live Crimson

Robert Fripp is rock 'n' roll's quintessential English eccentric. Not in a flamboyant, over-the-top way like the late Vivian Stanshall or Keith Moon, but in an offbeat, understated manner -- like a country vicar whose avocation is the study of reptile eggs or quill pens. Fripp's quirky, yet iron-willed...
Oct 14, 2000

Society must hear crime victims: author

OSAKA -- While Japanese society has finally started recognizing the rights of crime victims, people must now begin listening to their messages, according to Eri Atarashi, the author of a recent book on support for crime victims.


Capsule hotels were created as a way to deal with the amount of overwork employees tend to do in Japan. Can't commute home? Then spend the night in an tiny, affordable sleeping space.
Japan wakes up to the market for a proper sleep