
Dec 3, 2000

The incarnation of Hal

Just under half a biblical lifetime ago -- 32 years, to be exact -- the computer Hal was introduced to the world in the movie and novel "2001: A Space Odyssey." Offspring of the fertile brain of Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Hal came to embody the world's collective hopes and fears concerning artificial intelligence....
Dec 3, 2000

Handsome is as handsome does

What would we do without social scientists? Creeping about with their clipboards and calculators, they are forever coming up with solemn, statistic-studded pronouncements about things so obvious we were practically born knowing them. And yet there is something satisfying about having our assorted prejudices...
Dec 3, 2000

Police seek leads on forged passports

Police on Saturday searched 19 locations in five prefectures for evidence that Japanese Red Army leader Fusako Shigenobu traveled between Japan and foreign countries on forged passports, the charge for which she was served a fresh arrest warrant Friday.
Dec 3, 2000

Fujimori agrees to testify in Japan, not Peru

Deposed Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori said Saturday he is prepared to testify in Japan to answer allegations that he amassed secret funds during his tenure as Peru's leader.
Dec 3, 2000

Women's groups decry foundation's demise

A recent Tokyo Metropolitan Government announcement that it plans to abolish the Tokyo Women's Foundation to save tax money has sparked protests among citizens' groups promoting gender equality.
Dec 3, 2000

Diet, exercise are potential cure for 'health schools'

MIURA, Kanagawa Pref. -- Rika Ariyoshi has a desk waiting at her local school in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward.
SOCCER / J. League
Dec 3, 2000

First leg ends scoreless

YOKOHAMA -- One of the arguments against the J. League having a two-stage format is that the first-stage champion spends the entire second stage coasting.
Dec 3, 2000

Carbon monoxide from Siberia fires affects Japan

A large volume of carbon monoxide generated by massive forest fires in Siberia, eastern Russia, reached Japan in 1998, according to the results of a study released Saturday.
Dec 3, 2000

WHO pushes 'Massive Effort' on disease

Gro Harlem Brundtland has a mission. She said as much in her BBC Reith Lecture on population and health early this year. She will be saying it again this week in Okinawa at the followup meeting to July's G-8 summit.
Dec 3, 2000

More testing times for students of Japanese

Today, many foreigners have put on their armor and have sharpened their swords in preparation for battling through the Japanese Proficiency Test. I wish you all luck and survival. I recently spoke with the god of the Japanese Proficiency Test, who lives on Uranus and appeared on my TV screen via my satellite...
Dec 3, 2000

Middle-class myth comes tumbling down

This is the eighth of a 10-part series on contemporary Japan.
Dec 3, 2000

Korean democracy suffers growing pains

SEOUL -- You don't have to consult opinion polls to understand that in general terms South Koreans are not happy with their government. It is enough to occasionally read editorials or to engage in political discussions with Korean friends, colleagues and neighbors. Then you detect a very basic disenchantment...
Dec 3, 2000

Chid Waller

Although Chid Waller says she waxes lyrical over the career she was following in England, she willingly gave it up to come to Tokyo. That was three years ago. During this time she has put her expertise at the disposal of several local organizations, giving them voluntarily the benefit of her effective...
Dec 3, 2000

Britons going nowhere fast

LONDON -- Is Britain in crisis? Many people think so, after a month in which large swathes of England have been inundated by filthy flood water. Television news showed comic snippets of boats in the streets rescuing old ladies and dogs, snaps of sturdy men and women counting their blessings as the flood...
Dec 3, 2000

2002 World Cup: Soccer without fear?

BRUSSELS -- The first world cup of the new millennium is to be staged in Japan and South Korea in the summer of 2002. Both countries want to use this billion-dollar sporting showpiece as a global shop window allowing those watching, both in the stadiums and on TV, to see the real Japan and the real South...
Dec 3, 2000

Maazel wears multiple hats, but looks best in conductor's

Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra Nov. 2, Wolfgang Gieron conducting in Suntory Hall -- "The Ideal," from Two Portraits for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 5/1 (Bela Bartok, 1881- 1945), Music for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 12 (Lorin Maazel, b. 1930), Gypsy Caprice (Friedrich Kreisler, 1875-1962), all featuring...
Dec 3, 2000

Art to help heal the soul

Artists Without Borders and its offspring, Kids Without Borders, are devoted to providing humanitarian relief to the victims of war and ethnic strife. As such, they share obvious connections with Doctors Without Borders.
Dec 3, 2000

Noh, kyogen workshop in Yokohama

Yokohama Noh Theater will hold an introductory workshop on Japan's classical stage forms, noh and kyogen, for foreign residents Dec. 16.
Dec 3, 2000

50% tax cut on green cars sought

The Transport Ministry, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Environment Agency have drawn up the final draft of a radical plan that calls for a maximum 50 percent cut in local car tax on environmentally friendly vehicles, government sources said Saturday.
Dec 3, 2000

The cutting edge of sound and vision

For some, myself included, the U.K. Sound Design exhibition, held Nov. 23-27 at the Ground in Harajuku, was a stroll down memory lane. Organized by the British Council in Japan, the show assembled record sleeves from seminal British designers of the last 30 years. Seeing many old records that had made...
Dec 3, 2000

Envoys plan for easing of Iraq sanctions

In preparation for the partial lifting of sanctions against Iraq, Japan has dispatched two members of staff from the Japanese Embassy in Amman to its equivalent premises in Baghdad, government sources said Saturday.
Dec 2, 2000

ODA gives way to domestic political pressure

The government may be succumbing to strong domestic political pressure to make Draconian cuts in Japanese official development assistance. If you want evidence, keep a close watch on an upcoming gathering of Vietnam's aid donors.
Dec 2, 2000

Mitsubishi boosts midcareer hiring

Mitsubishi Corp. said Friday it will start its first-ever large-scale midcareer recruitment campaign to inject new talent into its information technology sector.
Dec 2, 2000

Sogo sale attracts hordes of shoppers

OSAKA -- The department store chain Sogo Co. began clearance sales Friday at its Osaka flagship store and eight outlets earmarked for closure later this month.
Dec 2, 2000

Public-sector efficiency plan OK'd

The Cabinet on Friday approved an action plan to streamline and increase efficiency in the public sector and promote deregulation for implementation through 2005 following the reorganization in January of central government ministries and agencies, officials said.
Dec 2, 2000

Mr. Barak's bold gamble

One odd fact has hung over the violence that has descended upon the Middle East: The current Israeli government is more committed to a peaceful settlement than any that might replace it. Prime Minister Ehud Barak genuinely wants to make peace. The question is whether the Israeli people are behind him....


Capsule hotels were created as a way to deal with the amount of overwork employees tend to do in Japan. Can't commute home? Then spend the night in an tiny, affordable sleeping space.
Japan wakes up to the market for a proper sleep