I am a big fan of Hong Kong. The city presents a unique contrast between historical richness and vivacious modernity, with its classic trams roaming the streets and noisy, bustling restaurants. It is a romantic fusion of the East and the West.

To our regret, such romance is evaporating. In recent months, we have seen terrible scenes there. Mobs attacked the police with iron rods, and stockpiled bricks and Molotov cocktails. They detained passengers at the airport and even set an innocent old man on fire. Government buildings were stormed and vandalized. Shops were closed and streets were wrecked by arson attacks.

Taking advantage of the absence of a national security law in Hong Kong, protesters have time and again instigated violence and clamored for Hong Kong’s "independence,” crossing a red line for the central government. At the same time, external forces have increasingly interfered in Hong Kong affairs without scruple. Because of this, Hong Kong is in disarray. China’s national security is at risk.