Another politician caused controversy last week for heckling during Diet testimony.

Democratic Party for the People President Yuichiro Tamaki was addressing a plenary session of the Lower House and explaining his desire to legally recognize women who want to retain their own surnames after marriage. That's when a female Diet member allegedly shouted that those women shouldn't be getting married in the first place. Naturally, this received some media attention, but for outside observers what might be more surprising than the audacity of the remark is just how common heckling is in the Diet.

It seems that every legislative body has its own peculiarities. Whether it's Ted Cruz reading Dr. Seuss to filibuster in the U.S. Senate or Lloyd Russell-Moyle picking up the ceremonial mace in the United Kingdom's House of Commons, there are behaviors that may seem odd to outside observers but are more understandable and perhaps even unsurprising within those legislatures themselves.