Light up Your Corner of the World

From the land of rising sun,

like an angel on light wings

he came to the rugged mountains.

He blended with its harsh nature,

mingled with its gentle people.

He was them and they were him.

As he stood on a big rock — a colossus,

Nakamura heard the calling from on high:

"Through faith and good deeds,

connect with Nature's forces,

dispense of token time and talent.

Your humanity's reward:

fear and grief ye need not have."

Resolute, astute, determined

Aka Murad stared in the distance

across arid barren deserts.

In the midst of desolation

he saw hope and aspiration.

He moved sandstones, mighty boulders.

He moved mountains with strong will.

He brought rivers to the deserts,

veering them off in full compliance.

Fearless hands unyielding power,

beating swords into ploughshares

to unearth the nature's harshness

and to sow the seeds of peace.

And abruptly all things changed:

Water reached parched thirsting lands,

vernal breeze unfurled green meadows,

gardens grew in lush galore,

lines of palms and dancing willows,

vision's glory green compassion.

He turned deserts into gardens

with exuberance galore.

Planting seed of green compassion.

Water gushing through the weir,

playful children knee-deep wade,

in abundance streaming splash.

They rejoicing with spreading smiles

in euphoric dance of life.

From behind those jugged mountains

whence the harshness of the land

hardens hearts with loathing hatred.

Forces of darkness lurk illusive,

snuff out his life as he mumbles:

"Light up your corner of the world."



The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.