The decertification of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by U.S. President Donald Trump is most unfortunate. It seems he was not swayed by either French President Emmanuel Macron or German Chancellor Angela Merkel to preserve the deal. Instead, he appears to have taken Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's advice to decertify the deal, even though Iran continues to fully adhere to all of its provisions. It is dangerous that neither Trump nor Netanyahu appears to fully grasp the dire regional and international implications of the unilateral decertification of the deal by the United States.

In January, Trump gave Britain, France and Germany an unrealistic deadline — May 12 — to fix what he considers the deal's defects, including the sunset clauses under which some of the terms expire, Iran's ballistic missiles program (which was not part of the deal), and the monitoring of suspected Iranian nuclear sites. This was mission impossible without the support of Russia and China, not to speak of the short period of time.

Netanyahu's public stunt, displaying thousands of documents to provide further proof that Iran has been conducting a secret nuclear weapons program, is not new. His claim that the Iran deal was based on information that was not known before does not justify the decertification of the deal, especially because Iran has been fully adhering to all the provisions of the deal.