I often hear people say "Japan is a land of paradox."

There is monstrous spending on nursery education on the one hand, but an ever decreasing number of births on the other.

A potential Nobel Peace Prize-winning Constitution, versus rearming at the speed of light with bigger and bigger missiles.

Enormous propaganda to promote North Korean abductee relatives' pleas for their kin's return, but an adamant refusal by the Orwellian government to attempt serious or sincere negotiations.

But the strangest of all is the smiling photo of the superrich Cabinet overspending public money for the sixth straight year, while nobody but the superrich themselves ever see any improvement in their pockets or quality of life.

More and more Japanese mutter their distrust and dislike of Japan's own Great Leader, but he may not care as he has the most expensive nuclear bunker in existence. The public meanwhile is advised just to cower and duck when the worst happens in the televised drills recently aired to comfort them!

Which would you bet on to survive the imminent holocaust?



The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.