Every morning I enjoy taking a walk for about half an hour or so. For 15 years, my dog was my walking partner, but she died several years ago and I still feel so lonesome. However, I have recently realized that plants and schoolchildren encourage me and make me feel alive.
I am so amazed to look at the growing plants in the fields during my walk, recently taro in particular. They never remain the same; rather they grow so fast day by day. For growth of plants, water, air, nutrients, light, soil, temperature, time and space are needed. All these elements together make plants grow at such a fast pace. Of course, our care for them also helps them grow.
Also, every morning, seeing many children go to school makes me so happy, because they seem to grow little by little each day, both physically and mentally. And they are shining brightly, full of hopes, and we know every one of them is a maker of our future world.
Plants do not grow up overnight and children also do not grow up overnight. It takes time and a lot of patience to grow children. And they need our love and care just like the plants do. If we look back at our lives, we have to admit that not only our parents and teachers, but all the neighbors as well are our water, air, nutrients, light and soil, since all of the people make up our society and all children grow up in our society.
Can we say with confidence that today's world is good, healthy soil for children? Our responsibility as adults is so big!
The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.
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