The article "No reset button on TPP pact, Cutler warns" in the May 14 edition quotes Wendy Cutler as saying that the TPP pact is "impossible to renegotiate", and "indispensable."

Yet while the article describes Cutler as a "former acting deputy U.S. trade representative," it strangely omits any mention of her current position: vice president and managing director of the Washington office of the Asia Society Policy Institute, a think tank funded by the likes of Citi Group, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Time-Warner, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, G.E., Pfizer and many other corporations whose wish-lists have been inserted into the TPP, even as the full contents of the pact are kept hidden from the public eye.

Is Cutler speaking to what's in the best interest of the American and Japanese people, or what's in the best interest of her current employers?



The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.