In his Dec. 17 article, "Abe shows totalitarian bent," Takamitsu Sawa does an excellent job of summing up my fears of the direction in which Japan is heading.

In this season of gratitude and reflection, I want to thank him and The Japan Times for faithfully keeping their readership informed about the increasingly dangerous situation for Japan, whose people seem to be sleepwalking amid the pretty Christmas lights, complacent in their postwar success.

With the passing of the prewar generation, Japan is slipping into amnesia. It is forgetting how Japan lived and suffered under a totalitarian regime. There remains the propensity to repeat history — to become indifferent until it's too late to do anything about it. It is already nearly too late to protest.

My husband, aged 81, does remember and still cares enough to worry. I don't understand why the Japanese media in general seem so passive, and wish to thank The Japan Times for providing me and a large number of my friends, here and overseas, with better information than otherwise seems available.

naomi arimura


The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.