With his Oct. 10 missive, "Activists who act like terrorists," Grant Piper reveals himself to be a true hang 'em and flog 'em Tory. While he admits to caring "very much about environmental and wildlife conservation," he prefers, like most of us, to do his caring comfortably at home.

For those activists like Greenpeace who are actually doing something to curb the destruction of the environment, he expresses nothing but contempt and spite, branding them "terrorists" for daring to challenge the greedy whale slaughterers and the despoilers of the Arctic.

It boggles the mind that he would congratulate Vladimir Putin, the most corrupt and despotic ruler of Russia since Stalin, and hope that he "handles the activists as terrorists" for the crime of "trespassing and damaging private property"!

ivor paul


The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.