Regarding the July 24 AFP article "Retirees (in Japan) still seeking work": This is similar to Canada and the United States, where the work ethic is so ingrained in the psyche of the general population.

Of course, a purpose helps us enjoy life, whether we are employed or unemployed. But we can create our own purpose utilizing leisure activities, which a lot of Japanese, Americans and Canadians will have to do in retirement simply because they will not be able to find a retirement job or not be able to create their own retirement job through starting a business. I cover this in my two books on retirement, which have been published in Japanese.

Besides creating a purpose, the other two important elements for a happy retirement are having some structure and a sense of community, two elements that corporate jobs provide us with and which are lost when we retire from corporations.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

ernie j. zelinski