Regarding Ramesh Thakur's June 21 article, "Drone warfare clashes with law, human rights": Congratulations to Thakur for saying what needs to be said and to The Japan Times for publishing it. Thakur points out the realities of U.S. drone aircraft attacks and raises the right questions, as troubling as they may be.

The United States is clearly using terror to fight "terrorism" and it is violating international law and various countries' sovereignty in the process. This is morally repugnant and not consonant with its values and ideals such as due process — especially the targeted drone killings of American citizens.

Worse, it sets a precedent and invites similar attacks on America's own people as well as attacks on its friends and allies. I worry that the U.S. may eventually "reap what it sows."

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

mark j. valencia