Brahma Chellaney's insightful piece on the rise of China as Asia's hydro-hegemon (Oct. 19) brings out China's resource-grab strategy.

Nothing better exposes China than two facts highlighted by the author. One, China rejects the idea of water-sharing with a neighboring country. And two, whereas countries in Southeast and South Asia have concluded water treaties between themselves, China does not have a single water treaty with any neighbor. Rather, it is merrily appropriating waters of international rivers by quietly building giant dams.

It is evident that this conduct violates international rules of good neighborly behavior. It also reflects an extraordinary degree of ruthlessness and selfishness.

International pressure must be brought to bear on China to observe interstate norms and stop further appropriation of shared river waters.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

h.k. ray