The Sept. 18 editorial "Slow transparency of universities" states these words of wisdom: "All Japanese universities and colleges need to provide parents and prospective students with everything needed to make informed decisions. An open appraisal of relevant, meaningful data, followed by a critical examination, is what all prospective students deserve." Why spend an editorial on this?

Everyone who has spent more than a few weeks in Japan knows that no Japanese cares about the content of his or her university education. The only thing (students and employers) worry about is graduation, which comes more or less automatically, and the university from which you graduate. Tokyo University, Kyoto University, Keio University, Waseda University, among others, open doors. For attractive jobs in ministries and other public institutions, it doesn't matter what subjects the candidate studied at university.

So why bother with disclosing details such as the number of students and professors, etc.? Why does it help to know that?

I would suggest an editorial that tells prospective university students and the paying parents that what really matters are the efforts that students put into their studies.


The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

joergen jensen