I was shocked upon reading Satoshi Sato's July 14 letter, " U.S. side of weapons exports," to realize that history is repeating itself.

In the 1930s, it was the Japanese-formulated ABCD line (America, Britain, China, the Dutch) that was hemming Japan in. Now, thanks to Sato, we learn that China, Russia and North Korea are ganging up on Japan. This is deja vu all over again!

China lays claim to certain islands — also claimed by others — and has the nerve to strengthen its naval forces, while Russia — that good old standby enemy if ever one was needed in the post-Soviet era to boost the American military-industrial complex — still occupies Japan's Northern Territories.

Since Germany long ago reconciled itself to the loss of East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia to Poland and Russia, it seems to be high time for Japan to emulate Germany's adult behavior. There is no reason why Japan, also a member of the World War II Axis that lost territory (this is what happens when you get a good hiding), should be treated as a special case.

There is after all nothing special about Japan other than its pre-adolescent expectation of special treatment. Note also Japan's demand for exemption from the international rules regarding the export of radioactive produce.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

barry andrew ward