Hi Bris again tho this is the first time Im facing U my msg that Im prepared to rocket to Alaska so that Alaska can rejoin the USA and we can be 5×10 states again like in Barack's time So seriously Your Mal

This is the msg (message, for those of you who still bother to spell) sent by U.S. President Malia Obama to President Bristol Palin of the Alaskan Republic in the year 2060. Pres. Mal has faced (Facebooked, duh) Pres. Bris about a possible powwow to save "these 49 states," after Alaska seceded from the Union in 2058.

The reason why the president uses 5×10 instead of 50 in her msg is because the teaching of arithmetic was discontinued in the United States along with English, history and physical education. Even the president has to use times tables in her msg so as not to forget how they get big numbers. It's still apparently one of the things that's required of their commander-in-chief in 2060.