So I like OMG Im so not going there no matter what the Quadrangle says it will do Vlad and I are running Alaska from Tea Party headquarters in Cheney and I can see the whole world from my living room Again the TPA (Tea Party of Alaska) government refuses to kowtow [pronounced cow toe] to American imperialism I have extracted the above from a statement made by Pres. Palin of the Alaskan Republic in the year 2060. Lest you mistakenly think, dear reader, that this week's Counterpoint is about politics, please allow me to disabuse you.

Okay, so you can't be blamed for not knowing that the Pentagon in Washington lost one of its sides in the war against Canada; that Gov. Bristol Palin declared Alaskan independence in 2058 and seceded from the Union; or that her husband Vlad is none other than the grandson of Vladimir Putin (who was tragically mauled by a Siberian tiger in 2018, has been stuffed — Putin, not the tiger — and is on permanent display in the nave of a church in St. Putingrad); or that the first thing the first Alaskan couple did when they got married, after renaming the capital of Alaska "Cheney," was install new curtains in the Moose House. No, I don't blame you for not knowing. How could you?

But well might you be blamed for not being aware that the English language is in high flux and that the first paragraph of this article has been written in the language as it is spoke in 2060. I hasten to add that there is only the spoken language left in 2060. Written English went out with the mobile home.