The Jan. 25 article "What future for fish as Japan's daily fare?" reports that fish and seafood consumption is rising worldwide and many countries are taking action to sustain wild fish stocks. It seems that the cause of rising fish consumption is Japanese- influenced. Sushi, for example, is now popular worldwide.

I am thrilled to know that many countries are coming together to help sustain fish that is being overexploited. As the article states, 52 percent of the wild fish stock worldwide is being overexploited with only 1 percent recovering from near-extinction. I feel citizens are not aware of the importance of sustaining fish and being able to consume fish for many years to come. I believe the percentage of wild fish being overexploited will continue to rise.

Governments and organizations such as the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization should really consider making it illegal for fisherman worldwide to use the long-line method of fishing. The hook-and-line method helps keep fish fresh while raising the quality as each fish is frozen individually.

amica mogi