Recently the focus of actress Aoi Miyazaki on the problem of trafficked children has been a wonderful way to get the attention of so many who can help. As a resident of San Francisco, I personally would like to volunteer my own efforts in this work. Hundreds, even thousands of us, who live around the planet may have the small opportunity to be of assistance where cases may come to light locally but extend internationally across national boundaries and oceans.

A few words or a couple of hours or days helping a victim of this illicit trade could possibly be an invaluable adjunct to police efforts, even UNICEF, whose interest in this subject is already deep. Small efforts in many places can perhaps come together to thwart and punish those making a living from victims.

A long list of people have volunteered for this positive activity. Helpful languages include: Spanish (slight), French (considerable) and Japanese (as a second language). Interest in other languages and cultures, as well as experience in travel, hospitality and teaching are also constructive.

david orr