I found myself getting irate well before I even finished reading the Sept. 17 article "Mikasa Foods sold tainted rice as edible to 370 firms." Incredibly, no one seems to have pointed out that if the government of Japan sells something to a FOOD company, then the government is pretty much accepting the likelihood that it (tainted rice in this case) will end up in more than just "glue or other industrial products."

Give me a break. Does the government really think people are so stupid or so easily distracted and/or forgiving? Once again, we want violators nailed to the wall and confidence in the food supply! Is trust in safe food too much to ask?

A modern country like this one (in technological aspects anyway) should be ashamed that such things are not only prevalent but also all-encompassing and infinitely ongoing. I am angry at paying high prices for crap!

name withheld