LOS ANGELES — A measure of self-delusion can be healthy if it deters the outbreak of another round of perhaps even more dangerous and destructive self-delusion. This scenario was on display the other night at a presentation at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, a traditional major forum for world speakers.

The star dinner performer was a former London-based leader of the anti-Saddam Hussein exile movement. He is now — appropriately — Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations after serving as a member of the post-Saddam Governing Council. He is suave, smart and cool. His name is Samir Sumaidaie.

Ambassador Sumaidaie insists that the light at the end of the long Iraq tunnel is now in view: "I believe our own security has come of age. I believe we have turned the corner. We are not out of the woods yet, but we're beginning to be able to stand up on our own."