Regarding the Jan. 24 article "Prefectural lawmakers rally in praise of gas taxes": Why haven't specific numbers been presented in the news covering the gasoline-tax debate? On average, how much money does the government receive from gasoline taxes (including diesel, etc.), road taxes and car inspection taxes? What was the actual cost of road/bridge construction and maintenance last year? These numbers should be found out and made public. This is our money, not the government's.

Also not mentioned in this debate are the roads and bridges that have been built but either lead nowhere or are not used. People need to be made aware that one way that the government tries to bring about economic recovery is to put more money into circulation. One way to do that is through public building contracts (roads, bridges).

All the wasted money in past public building projects needs to be discussed and calculated into the debate. Both sides of this debate need to start putting forward some numbers to make it plain whether the taxes are truly needed or not.

ken howells