The government and ruling parties plan to extend the current extraordinary Diet session for a second time beyond its expiration Saturday. Since a decision on such an extension by the Lower House, which is controlled by the ruling coalition, takes precedence over an Upper House decision, the session is set to be extended by a month through Jan. 15.

This guarantees enactment of a bill to continue the Maritime Self-Defense Force's mission in the Indian Ocean to refuel naval ships of the United States and other countries engaged in antiterrorism operations in and around Afghanistan.

If the opposition-controlled Upper House either turns down the bill or does not vote on it within 60 days of receiving it, the ruling bloc, which controls more than two-thirds of the Lower House, can pass it for a second time and thus enact it. The opposition force is poised to pass a censure resolution against Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda in the Upper House if the Lower House passes the bill for a second time.