TEHRAN — A major shortcoming in today's world is the persistence of a zero-sum sense of geopolitics. The world expected something different in the post-Cold War era to promote peace and stability. Instead, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, momentum swung toward a "global war on terror," which, in practice, became the rationale for maintaining a Cold War mentality and for supporting strategies of preemptive war and regime change. These strategies have intensified instability and the threat of international terrorism.

Consider my country, Iran, which has not invaded a country in 250 years. After decades of struggle against dictatorship and foreign domination, we secured our freedom and independence in 1979 by establishing a political system of our own choosing.

Instead of establishing friendly relations with Iran based on this new reality, the United States has consistently sought to restore its domination, even providing massive diplomatic, financial and military support to the late former Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, in his war against my country during the 1980s.