Regarding the Nov. 2 Associated Press article "American sues Dentsu USA over brothel outing": This "American" gentleman has bigger issues within himself. I have seen this attitude before -- the "shock" that Anglos show when their Japanese counterparts take them out at night, whether it be to a brothel, hostess club, strip joint or to just get drunk. The Japanese, especially an older man, have an attitude toward both sex and social outings that often boggle the Western mind.

The "American" had many acceptable ways of declining to "go out." The simplest and most direct way would have been to just say "thank you, but no thank you." I think this man really wanted to go have fun, but the feeling of guilt that he felt by even thinking of such a thing totally shook him up. Hence, he sued, blaming Dentsu for all his pent-up and ungrounded feelings of guilt.

I see way too many conflicts between Japanese and Anglos that are prejudicial, stubborn and childish (and this can be extended to Asians vs. Anglos). Both parties could stand to listen, watch and digest their observations before opening their mouths.

I am truly a third-culture man, having grown up in Japan as a gaijin in the 1950s and '60s. This was truly an insightful experience. I now read The Japan Times (online) almost every day and enjoy it very much. As I live in Virginia at the moment, it brings my jikka (parental home) closer to me.

david watson