The debate on rice in this country never ceases to amaze me. With a population of ever-expanding cosmopolitans, the thought of living on a staple of rice to ensure that the Japanese rice industry survives is not only self-serving but also a plan that is doomed to the ashes of the 20th century.
It's time for the Japanese farmers who continue to hold onto the past to change their growing habits and give the consumers what they want instead of cramming rice down everyone's throat. The Japanese rice industry is antiquated and top-heavy. It continues to produce more then anyone can consume and then demands protection to ensure it can continue this practice. Time marches on and so should the Japanese rice farmers.
It's ridiculous that in a country where rice is the staple food product, for now, it is also more expensive then anywhere else in world. No wonder demand and eating habits are changing. Stop subsidizing rice production and provide incentives to farmers to change their crop. But that's too hard to do because the poor rice farmer will be lost to the past. Sorry about that. Do what's best for the country and the people of Japan instead of what's easier and more popular to the louder voices.
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